Hello folks, as we are swiftly progressing through my first winter trying to keep little trees alive, I've recently begun to think and plan about repotting. In particular, I have a few pines which were just slip potted into terra cotta pots with potting soil when I bought them, as it wasn't a good time of year to do an actual repot then. I plan to get them into proper substrate in more useful containers this spring, either cut down nursery pots or pond baskets. Now, I understand that with pines older than a few years, they can be quite sensitive to root work and so people recommend not to bare rot the whole thing at once and just go by halves, half now, half once the tree has recovered in a year or two. How do you know which half to do first? Top, bottom, left, right, front, back? Does it matter? Can I repot the front quarter and the back quarter for the sake of symmetry?