Imperial Masterpiece

Remember the root-over-rock red pine from post #73? It's still alive and kicking.
Rearranged it a little so that there's no root left in 20 years.

Since this one didn't skip a beat after repotting and actually is performing better ever since, I decided to start chewing bark and do a huge bend. A backbone of 4mm wire, a frontbone of 4mm wire wrapped in raffia, then a double 4mm wire to make it stick. Opened it up real good. Fresh air coming in and loads of sunlight. This is going to be a good year.
For my own reference, because I tend to keep track of the plants I hardly touch throughout the year:
Last week and this week:
- Rewired itoigawa whips, took tiny cuttings.
- Checked pre-winter juniper cuttings, they're not going to make it. Spring is better.
- Heavy bends on the scots pine norsk-typ. Backbudding on those is crazy! Awesome!
- Repotted the 1.5 euro mugo pine into a way too tiny pot. It's over or under with that one.
- Wired my first forestadori scots pine to it's pot. It's moving too much. Also added some more wiggle in the trunk.
- Treated some other collected trees with 6-bap to induce more budding, but I might have to do it again because it's not using much water. Plenty of frozen hormones in stock left.
- Repotted and wired the individual phoenicea junipers, new seeds are sprouting after being in the fridge for a couple of months.
- Took seedling cuttings from Ponderosa pines, because I fucking knew it: sow in a deep tray and you'll get deep roots, sow in a shallow (3cm) tray and you'll get a radical wicked sick flare. They also bud down low in a shallow tray because the first years growth is minimal. I kind of ruined the batch of ponderosa last year by sowing them in a 15cm deep tray. I got 10cm taproots with no adventitious roots running down to the bottom.
- Uppotted and wired ground grown red pines. Too late in the season, they were already extending. But hey, I have 100 more or so. Scots pines from seedling tray to the same type of potting mix as well, corrected the roots on those. Half and half bonsai soil and peat moss. Might do some good, might be a killer.
- I murdered 100 JBP because Japanese black pines suck! Sure, sure, 'king of bonsai'. If you can't survive in the ground, in fabric pots OR in plastic pots, then you don't belong in my kingdom, let alone rule it.
- Snapped my shohin cherry in half. Whoops! Three branches left. Also removed the dead piece of root.
- Juniper grafts, blaauw -> stricta and blaauw -> media/pfizer from the previous post. Documented a little over here: https://www.bonsainut.com/threads/nursery-juniper.42403/post-722418
- Potted up the chestnuts in the pot my mom made for them.
- Some backbone lower-trunk bend on the collected spruce bunjin. I didn't believe it could be done, but it wiggles now.
- Took my one and only ginkgo cutting and bent the crepe out of it.
- Uprooted the black walnut and made sure those bulges they make underground are above ground now. Instant taper!
- Completely wired (including wiring over the needles) two collected scots pines that are going to be awesome. I know, one should never wire over the needles. Why not? They keep functioning and they provide extra energy while they're dying. It doesn't look pretty, that's a fact. But then again, I'm not at that stage of wanting them pretty yet. They need bones first.
- Corrected the clump of scots pine seedlings, removed the Nigra seedling. Wired them with 0.5mm iron wire, it should either bite in and become invisible or oxidize completely within 2 years. I wonder how it influences the veins later on.
- Rewired the Communis juniper.
- Fertilized a whole lot.
- Repotted and rewired a 3 euro mugo. I might have too many cheap ones. Why don't they die?!
- Cut back some long branches on collected scots pines.
- Murdered roughly 70 thuja seedlings because they're not junipers and I'm a fool for trusting the Chinese sellers on Ebay. I kept the really nice ones, but I really couldn't care less about thuja.
- Repotted and rewired my already dead to be DAS.
- Sprayed
- Dug up a spruce I took home last year, wired the crap out of it and put it in a container.
- Weeding, weeding, weeding. Lots of dandelions, you know, the cheetah is fasta dandelion. Lots of arabidopsis and at least a kilogram (that's as much as a liter) of pond plants which seeds seem to love finding bonsai pots.
- More weeding.
- Sifting old soils, I kind of want to get rid of my clay pellets and replace them with vulcastrat. That stuff is magic.
But, frosts are setting in again. At least, so I've heard. So I might end up with some extra space now. I could use it.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to ramp up a discussion. Public transport has been scaled down to the bare minimum, so I have loads of extra time to kill in the coming week.