Growing Other Stuff 2021

If it hasn't sunk in yet, we do not live in a peaceful quiet suburb. LOL
There isn't a place in town that isn't reachable by an intrepid bear, mountain lions aren't unheard of, and a raccoon is eating the toads in my dad's garden pond. We live about a three hour drive away from where they've recently released wolves, so none of those yet, but it's a matter of time.
Are there sufficient pollinators for that sort of thing around your yard? Or maybe it was horticultural thing.
The naturally pollinated chiles are doing GREAT..

I think, maybe, the two chiles I tried crossing just don’t “jive” well together.
If it hasn't sunk in yet, we do not live in a peaceful quiet suburb. LOL
There isn't a place in town that isn't reachable by an intrepid bear, mountain lions aren't unheard of, and a raccoon is eating the toads in my dad's garden pond. We live about a three hour drive away from where they've recently released wolves, so none of those yet, but it's a matter of time.
Fun stuff isn’t it!

I saw two bears last year, and I THINK, a badger..

Normally, my little HorseadmirerSkinnies are on the walk WITH me... soooooo wildlife keeps it’s distance from all that “noise”

Apparently someone spotted cougar or Large, long-muscled Cat up in Crivitz..(North of me.. almost in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan).. we have some river land up there.. I want to go “poke around” 🤓
Tomatoes are popping up everywhere at the house. Wife says the grapolini cultivar I picked out are getting so heavy she's afraid they'll break!
Our middle daughter is so excited to put up tons of homemade ketchup this year.
@HorseloverFat those mexican honeys are heirlooms? How do they compare to sungolds in flavor? Looking to expand my tomato seed options so if the seed is true to form, i would trade for some seeds if you want. I just dried up a batch of asparagus, and have 10 or so other tomatoe varieties.
@HorseloverFat those mexican honeys are heirlooms? How do they compare to sungolds in flavor? Looking to expand my tomato seed options so if the seed is true to form, i would trade for some seeds if you want. I just dried up a batch of asparagus, and have 10 or so other tomatoe varieties.
Yes! The seeds were from tomatoes all grown for several years in Eugene, OR. :) My cousin sells seeds and starts.
I am all over seed collection. And have not forgotten our earlier conversations. ;)

What other tomatoes do you have.. I have a few, also.. Trifele(sp), tommy-toes, indigo apple.. about 5 others, but this is off the top of my head. I’ll have to check my notes..

I’ll also have chiles.. in a handful of interesting(and not so) heirloom varieties. (Same source)

The papavers are also heirloom, I bought seed pods off of a lady’s plants.. it was a good garage sale! 😂😂
They are REEEAL similar in flavor to Sungolds... the skin is just thicker and more “planty” (I call it “gamey” 😂)
In tomatoes i will have:

Tommy Toes -

Cherokee Purple -

Pear -

Indigo Apple -

Indigo Apple/Black Krim-

Mexican Honey-

Japanese Trifele-

Golden Queen-

Chocolate Cherry.
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In Chiles... yield depending, I should have..



Hungarian Black-



Sugar cream rush-



I will just be trading seeds this year... i have to gauge my “start selling” as well as personal needs..

So no seed sales THIS year.. just ask me ‘bout a lil tradin’..

But looks like Pom cuttings are almost ready for “the sales floor”



They really need a much wider pot to get enough to do anything with...but there's enough room for a few flowers to bury their heads :)

For those that don't know: peanuts flower above ground, then bury the flower head to grow the seed pods undergound. Those 'roots' in the second photo are flower stems that turned down and plunged into the soil to grow seeds. The flowers that can't do this will not grow fruit.

Quite entertaining :D
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