Growing Goji Berry and Dwarf Kumquat from Seed


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Fort Worth, Texas
Aside from my acorn project for the 10 year contest, I got a couple other seed projects I’m pretty excited about. One of my favorite local nurseries just so happened to have a single goji berry plant available when I visited them a few months back. Best part is it was fruiting! I decided to pick it up, pick off all the fruit, and plant the seeds. Not sure how many seeds I planted, but I have about 25 so far that have sprouted. I got another few final berries I need to pick and plant the seeds for. All I did was soak in water (I accidentally let it go 48 hours cause I got busy) and planted into some seed starting mix and put into a propagator on a seed tray.

My other seed project is dwarf kumquat. I purchased a plant from Bill Valvanis that was also fruiting. I’ve been waiting for them to ripen to pick seeds (which is right about now). These are more of a pain cause you have to remove the outer coating to get better germination rates. I keep the seeds in a damp paper towel in a plastic bag sitting on my seed tray. Every week or so I check them and so far it’s been probably 85%-90% success rate. Once they’ve got a small root started, I plant into a seed mix and back into a propagator on a heat mat. Again, about 25 of these started, with more I’ll have to pick later.

Don’t ask me where I’m going to fit all these things come spring.

I never thought I’d love starting from seed so much, but I find it really rewarding so far. I think both these species are underused in American bonsai and I hope to give them a bright future. I’ll update this thread as they grow. Here’s a couple of pics just to document the start.

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