Great Bonsai Quotes

I just watched an episode of Dr. Who, and in it the twelfth doctor had a great line about trees that made me think of this thread:
"A tree is a time machine. You plant a little acorn in 1795, and in the year 2016, there's an oak tree, there, in the same spot, with a tiny little bit of 1795 still alive inside of it."
Been there, done that..

Or how about: "What new tree are you talking about? Oh, that one? Nah, we've had that one a while. It was over on the other bench and I just repotted and pruned it."

mine are usually explained by advanced root division technique, and FAST growing cuttings. Fortunately she doesn't get out much and her version of the outdoors ids walking from the car into the mall.
Enough with the Foe-freakin-mina!! :rolleyes: ..and you can quote me on that.

It is The best bonsai quote ever.
It's funny and sometimes right.
A quote for all occasions if you like.
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" a lot like owning a dog. You must water it...feed it. Only it doesn't have a tail to wag. I sort of need that tail." ~Jeff

*Whose late brother had done bonsai...after trying to keep one alive, then passing it to me along with the ones I had gotten earlier. He and his wife thought to keep one in memory of him.
Bonsai -


YOUR art
You will never live 500 years...
In perspective you CAN -
Grow and build awesome plants AND -
Have a great ride on the road of this Art ;)

Do it!
Love it!
Enjoy the whole experience!

Complicated but simple...


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