Ginkgo from seed

Interesting side-by-side comparison of 2 ginkgoes germinated from the same batch of seeds. Guess which one has been in the ground most of 18 years, and which one has been dug up and moved around the country most of those same years.


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Man, I really need to get a new ginkgo to replace the one that didn't make it after last winter. This one is making me drool. Very awesome tree.

I really love that trunk. Big gnarly trunk is not particularly easy to accomplish on a ginkgo - well done.
What is Chi Chi? With leaves looks good. Branch structure terrible without. Plans to change?;)
What is Chi Chi? With leaves looks good. Branch structure terrible without. Plans to change?;)
Plans to keep growing and refining it, yes. It's only been in a bonsai pot 2 seasons, and ginkgo tend to grow coarsely so I'm pretty happy with the progress over the last 2 years. I'll cut it back hard in the spring each year and allow it to develop gradually into this "flame" style; a version of broom style ginkgo can assume over time.
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Chi Chis? Google it. Have fun.
I think I prefer the density of branches the second example. That third one looks ancient; very nice.
Same pot? Just curious. Love the knobby bits.
Probably; it's a good fit, but the tree is so strong, that it's pushing itself up and out of the pot just in one year. Constantly finding soil churned out and running onto the rim, so worst case I may go deeper for a few years until it settles down.
They do have strong roots, I find I can let it get really root bound though. I see yours in a better pot in a few years...
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