That must be your contribution.
They follow a Snide leader,sad really.
They follow a Snide leader,sad really.
Did you just call me an asshole?
kk do seeds do well using this method in Singing Pines - UK, errrrrrrr England?
Edit:...tried finding Sing Pines to see the growing conditions i.e. coastal wind ....where is that exactly
That must be your contribution.
They follow a Snide leader,sad really.
There is a techique to a satisfying seed rearing experience.
Buy more than you need or could possibly deal with.
Sow them all without regard to spacing.
Leave them exposed to your elements.
Thrill as they germinate.
Observe small forests emerging and segregate any barren seed trays.
Choose to pot on as a clump or individually.
Throw any soil remaining onto a patch of earth,the barren seed trays contents also go here.
Water and feed your beauties,examine the patch of earth for signs of life.
Pinch out the tips and later extend the growing season with a cold frame or greenhouse.
Buy new all different seed for next year and in the spring keep an eye on your patch of earth for last years seed that didn't do anything.
Continue yearly.
The patch of earth is important.
You need to explain "poncing". Is that prancing about with your hands flying willy nilly in the air like a clown?
Sorry Smoke, I couldn't resist a bit of dyslexic creative editing of your post to high light the actions of the original poster when given opportunity to post something useful defaulted to his usual -----well I don't know what you would call it if not condescension.
Poncing is not "prancing about with your hands flying will nilly in the air like a clown" as you have suggested but more like prancing about willy nilly like a clown with your hands in your fly.
who is this willy nilly fellow i keep hearing about?
Sorry Smoke, I couldn't resist a bit of dyslexic creative editing of your post to high light the actions of the original poster when given opportunity to post something useful defaulted to his usual -----well I don't know what you would call it if not condescension.
Poncing is not "prancing about with your hands flying will nilly in the air like a clown" as you have suggested but more like prancing about willy nilly like a clown with your hands in your fly.