Flowers 2020

I hope to God you are keeping that left thing!
Lol, I'm gonna keep everything and let it do its thing since it's just ugl... unique. The apex on the left is long dead but I'll leave it and let it break down naturally. Hopefully this one have some years left!

Sunbathing after a gray, nasty weekend.
Do everyone else leave the stick to prop up the flowers? I let them grow naturally. Left ones are mini

Flowers on the right pic are too heavy leading to a cascade. But that one is my least favorite color and pattern combo.
As bonsai its missing allot of important properties like taper and nebari etc but once a year it does were i bought it for anyway
Reliable bloomer, malus "golden hornet"
Always producing allot of small yellow apples
Excuse the pot neighbor cat threw it from the bench and broke the just as bad terracotta pot lol

Sometimes I let Phalaenopsis flowers arch naturally without staking, like this Phal Ambo-Tris 'Orange Glow', The larger flowered Phals, the flowers are so heavy that they often can pull the pot over if allowed to arch naturally. Then you either have to put them in a heavy pot, with a rock or brick for counterbalance or you really need to stake them up.

Ambo-Tris Orange Glow2006a (2019_10_20 19_42_16 UTC).jpg

Others like Cymbidium & Oncidium, the flowers are light enough you just let them do their thing.

Black Cherry-CherryChip-HCC-AOS-March2013a (2019_10_20 19_42_16 UTC).jpg
As bonsai its missing allot of important properties like taper and nebari etc

I think that we shouldn't be obsessed with standards inherited from Japanese "norms" : they are helpful, they are a very good indication of how to make a "good" bonsai. But I think they can sometimes be put aside, especially with flowering trees.

And anyway I've seen lots of apple trees, I mean "cider apple trees" in Normandy for instance, with almost no taper.

Very nice "bonsai" 👍 ;)
Thankyou Alain!
I know lol i got a few non traditional tree's as well that i like just as much not talking about the ones ive seen from others, But even If i wanted to get this one that way it means i have to trunk chop.. and that aint gonna happen ill just work with what this tree has to offer and enjoy it when it flowers funny thing is that i only pruned off two branches and found it this way in the nursery couple years ago
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