Florida Elm

Hey Jay - can you bring this to the meeting Thursday evening? George is doing an in house demo of progress work on a trident maple forest so it may be nice to have another illustration to discuss.

Look forward to meeting you there as well.
Darn Graydon,
I'd enjoy bringing to the meeting, but......I just repotted into a screen bottom tray after a lot of root work. I'm now about halfway through some serious thinning, pruning and wireing.

Now it doesen't look like it did in the pictures.

The pics above were how it looked after a light trimming and clean-up late last fall.
I had to repot and trim much farther back to allow room for this years growth and after seeing the virts I cut and thinned even more than I had planned.

So, the little forest is not looking as spiffy as it was a few days ago.


Thanks for coming to the meeting last night. I hope you find our company acceptable and that the programs are not too boring.

Now on the your elm forest. Wow. I'm glad I walked with you to your car after the meeting. Your modesty is nice. I can understand apprehension when coming to a club meeting not knowing anyone. You should have brought it in to share at the meeting - that is obvious after we set it on your car roof and you instantly drew a crowd. Nice progress from the photo posted here and what I saw last night. I can't wait to see it develop over the next few seasons. Quite a piece of work for sure.

See you around...
I enjoyed the meeting last night.Thanks for your patience in getting me there.
Thanks for your comments on the forest....It did look good sitting there on the car roof...in the dark :-)

Here's a shot of Jay's elms at night. We had a little "parking lot exhibit" after the club meeting and someone snapped a quick photo.

Nice stuff Jay!


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Beautiful Jay, very nice. This is something to be proud of. Thanks Graydon for sharing the photo. The blackness of night and the flash really makes this picture pop.
Thanks Graydon and Tom for your kind words. I think they may be too kind for this forest in this stage of it's development.
I've been working on this lately, trying to correct some of the problems I see in it.

I repotted into a screen bottom box after some fairly heavy root work. I hope to encourage some better surface roots and a generally finer root system.

As you can see in the picture below (taken today), I've done a lot of wireing. Besides trying for better branch placement, I've also put a little movement into some of the arrow straight trunks and on the little tree on the far right, I tried to fix the odd 'C' looking branching at the top.
Lots of wires and guy wires to hold everything in position.

Along about May, I'll defoliate, remove wires, lower the soil surface and wire some movement in the last straight trunks.

If I can find a pot for it, I might do a fall repot..... It might be ready to show then.

If anyone is interested, I'll post some progression pictures from it's start in 2004 until now.




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Lots of wires and guy wires to hold everything in position.

I use to know a girl who could do that with silk ribbons.....but that is for another thread ;)

If anyone is interested, I'll post some progression pictures from it's start in 2004 until now
What are you waiting for Jay ......Post away, I love a good pictorial story
All right Tom, here you go.

Back in 2003 I dug a stump by my road that had been bushhogged the year before. I didn't see anything useful in the stump itself, but it had lots of rooted shoots coming off it at ground level. I cut the shoots , put them in pots and planted the stump.

The next year (2004), I dug the stump (pic#1) and cut some more shoots. I had all these little sticks so I thought I'd try to make a forest.

Pic #2 is what it first looked like on Jan. 2004.
pic #3 July 2004
pic #4 Feb 2005
pic #5 July 2005

The progress of this planting kind of mirrors my own stumbling on the road to bonsai. if I knew then what I know now......



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The next picture is Jan 2006
Pic#7 July 2006
pic#8 Dec 2006
pic#9 Nov 2006
pic#10 Jan 2007

I hope you have enjoyed this trip through the past.



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Gotta love bushhogs. Except if your collecting in Alabama where a snake seems to be hiding by every cut stump.

So your forest as I understand it is made up of all cuttings from the original stump? It has come visually a long way in a short period of time. Once again, congrats .... this will be a very nice forest in no time at all. Thanks for taking us down memory lane :)
Except if your collecting in Alabama where a snake seems to be hiding by every cut stump.

Another good reason to be careful in Alabama.

Yeah Tom, all the trees were from suckers from the stump.
The stump is looking nice now as well (see below).

Thanks John!



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DAMN! Now thats what I call a two fer one ..... Nice

Any chance of an update on the forest or the original stump?
Hey Grog,
Both these trees have had a hard year so far. The neighbors bull chewed them up pretty bad in early summer. The forest suffered more as it was wired pretty extensively and when the critter took a bite, he bit wire and pulled it and the limbs right off the trees. Lost some needed branches.

Both these trees (and all my elms) developed black spot which hurt them a good bit also.
I've almost got the black spot under control and am now just letting the trees grow for a while to regain some vigor.

So..... there's not much use of posting any current pictures of a couple of shaggy things.
Probably in a few weeks I'll trim and defoiliate and if there's any thing worth seeing, I'll post some updates then
Hey Grog,
Both these trees have had a hard year so far. The neighbors bull chewed them up pretty bad in early summer.

Yikes! And I thought my neighborhood animals could do some damage.
I feel your pain with the bovine mishap. None of the stuff I have is that far along but I was still wanting to carve some ribeye off a still breathing cow after one took a tour of my yard.

Thank goodness they're elms, I'm sure they'll bounce back great.
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