First single season of unchecked growth


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Indiana (Zone 6a)
I picked this Chinese elm up last year. Over winter I didn't give it much protection, just sat behind some bigger plants near the side of the house. I did some rootwork a little early (buds weren't popping yet) and put it in a slightly bigger pot with better soil, but it was slow to get going. I just let it go, and let it go, and let it grow. The idea being that unchecked growth would help generate a lot of roots and make sure the tree is strong. Anyway I thought it was crazy how much growth it put out. Too bad it's probably too late to take cuttings. My ficus didn't even put on this much growth.


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Nice growth. Elms can grow so much when they are happy. That should help the trunk put on some girth.
Sometimes I think I should just concentrate on elms and forget all the rest. They are such good growers by and large, ultra forgiving and very easy to please.
Next spring I'm going to take some cuttings from this one and probably stick it in a grow box or in the ground for now. Maybe chop it back to the first branch and root the rest.
I am very new to keeping Bonsai, but the Elms, (Ulmus parvifolia) has REALLY been the most impressive as far as rate of you said, even beating out the Ficus'
I get up to 3 feet of growth on the chinese elms that I own. Those are in collanders too. If they were in the ground they would grow even more. All the elms that I have are my best performers in terms of growth. So fast that wire only needs to be on for 2 weeks or its digging in.
In the ground the growth can be even more impressive. I have regularly seen 4 to 6 feet on Elms and Tridents, in multiple places in my yard. I dont even do much for them in terms of bed prep or feeding. They just grow like crazy, and that beefs up the trunk.
I get up to 3 feet of growth on the chinese elms that I own. Those are in collanders too. If they were in the ground they would grow even more. All the elms that I have are my best performers in terms of growth. So fast that wire only needs to be on for 2 weeks or its digging in.

Lordy also...

Thanks for the info you guys! I appreciate that. Its good to know the Elms are so hardy and grow so profusely. I can't wait for my first season planting trees in the ground. I can't WAIT to see what that does for the growth. Nothing like the Sun. I have the Sun god tattoo'd on my leg. Eye of Horus/Ra...

Iv known since 15 when I got that tat, that nothing grows like the SUN! :) ...did I mention I can't wait? lol
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