Finally a trunk!

This is a tough one because the left trunk is thicker than the trunk on the right, which competes for survival (from an aesthetic perspective)
This is true but the larger trunk has some very straight sections that are quite boring. Nothing is set in stone yet. I can always change my mind while it recovers and builds vigor.
I would create a way to keep the roots covered fully as much as possible for this season and into the winter months ahead. It can be done. However, buried roots, while a tree is developing and being shifted around in the substrate, may just be my inclination.
Thanks. I have since covered the exposed roots and soil surfaces in sphagnum moss. Hopefully that will suffice.
The number of trees you can have and remain married is directly proportional to your length of marriage.

With 45 years of marriage, mine just sighs and tells me to keep the jungle not so messy.
Well I’ve put kicked my coverage already. This will be year 6 of marriage for me and I’m somewhere between 20-30 trees already. Although I suppose you didn’t imply it is a 1:1 relationship so perhaps I’m still ok.
"After sitting with this tree for a week and pondering its future......." Time very well spent! Put it on a turntable, spin and look, spin and look. It sometimes takes me a month or two to make even a semi-final design.

Nice specimen. I've awakened to the fact in the last couple of months that spending a bit more ( or a lot more) up front for good material is a smart idea.
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