Anonymous User
Before we go any further Will, lets have a little review to clear the water sort of speak. Lets start with this Ficus tree pictured below. Can you tell me where this tree is from and where you first saw it on this forum? You can use your notes if you like.
Let's keep it real and on topic, shall we?
Instead of using your own tree or a tree from the new source of information you have, you posted a picture without referencing who created it, where it was acquired from, photographer, or even if the nebari on the tree was created using the same techniques you were discussing. Since it is obvious that it is not your tree and that you do not know if the same techniques were used to create the nebari on it as the ones you wish to discuss, the picture seems quite out of place.
All that aside, it is just common courtesy to at least credit the source of the picture, if not the artist. Although I read the post you lifted this picture from, others may not have and those readers a year from now certainly will not have a clue at all.
Certainly you keep notes on all this valuable, but yet unheard information?
Welcome back.