Ficus leaves browning...


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IMG_0394.jpegIMG_0401.jpegIMG_0399.jpegIMG_0399.jpegIMG_0398.jpegIMG_0396.jpegIMG_0395.jpegIMG_0394.jpegGot these from Amazon April 1st. They seemed to flourish pretty well initially. After a while the tree roots seemed too soggy to I cut back watering thinking I was watering too much. I settled on watering a good amount 1x per week. Well, as you can see they are not doing well. The soil is very hard and dry when I water. But eventually it absorbs the water. I saturate it pretty well...maybe too much? Idk. Maybe the lights are on too long? I have them on 15hrs per day. They are inside and Temps tend to be 65-70 yr round. It's pretty low humidity so a mist it lightly once per day on most days.

After reading some threads here I will try to water a bit more frequently...maybe twice a week or so.

Wondering if there are other insights and suggestions?

The roots on the one that looks worse extend well below the bottom of the pot and reach my humidity tray. Maybe that's allowing it to soak up too much water?? 🤔

What should be my first course of actions?

I see new growth turning brown and crispy, so either not enough water or too close to the lights (too hot). Your watering schedule should be "whenever the plant needs water" as opposed to "once or twice a week," but on average how often will depend on the type of soil you have under that top layer. If it's all like the top layer, you could probably water every day or every other day just fine. If it's dirt, you'll have to stick your finger in and see how dry it is until you get more familiar with what it needs.

If you don't see roots coming out the bottom and your soil is rocks, then it's not interacting with the water in the tray underneath. If it's soil, it could be absorbing some and sitting oversaturated, which isn't good.

Edit: misread about the roots. I still vote underwatering/too hot
The top photo with more roots is the one worse off. What should I do?
The roots escaping you can trim from the outside of the pot. No big concerns.
OK. I didn't know if that would hurt it. I'll get on that. it too much saturation from the roots being in the water? 🤔
Definitely seems like a spider mite or thrip issue. Check underneath the leaves for webs and tiny things moving slowly. The tops of some leaves appear to have some concerning white flecks present I would stare at those for awhile to see if they are moving also
The white is from dried tap water. It's always left a slight white residue. I'll check under the leaves though. I've never seen anything crawling on top. I'll check later and report back. I've had a few gnats before and spayed neem oil. Seemed to work OK.
I trimmed off any excess root below the pot and put extra rocks in the middle of the tray to make sure water isn't getting to the roots. I have to look closer at the leaves.

There's like a very very small white redidue underneath. I can't see anything at all living on either plant. If that white stuff is living they're taking naps.
OK. Upon searching it may be white spider mites? I sprayed neem oil all over. I mean, I couldn't detect anything moving with my naked eye. But that white redidue is something.
Any suggestions other than neem oil?
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