Feedback on my first video

I don't think you're out of the game yet, @leatherback. From the comments I've read on your videos you're amongst real people, and you're engaging with your audience.

Everything @Wires_Guy_wires has said I've heard of, but he does make it sound like it's much more prevalent than I thought it was.
I would avoid too strong a usage of tags for SEO, in that case, as that's likely a big part of how the algorithm determines the scammers. Also be strategic about any tags you use. If you use a couple slightly generic ones you can get some viewers from the gardening community. Though, considering what we just learned, I wouldn't try my luck to hard.

Just throwing some thoughts out there for you. Been a long time since I got to use any skills from my communications degree, and now you've got me going.
wow.. That is a bit of a negative spinn on things. I think it is time you and I find a bar together and have a beer.. I think we will be best enimies, or best friends very quickly. I guess I am as sarcastic as you when it comes to social media.

On one level I am kicking myself for ever starting YT. On a whole different level I hate myself for not being able to figure out how the algorythm decides what is worth it, and what not.
I think we're more likely to be friends.
But keep on going man, I'm sure the reviewing of your account will be in your favor.
There's always other websites that would suit you. Not sure if vimeo is still a thing, but at one point it was almost bigger than youtube.
I had to go check myself.
I've not gone through all your other videos to compare, but this does appear to be your video with the most comments as well.
So.. indeed, someone noticed!
But it will slow down now. Soon I will drastically reduce the number of videos I make. Winter is around the corner, and my ideas for winter videos have pretty much run their course!
Pots/pottery and soil/substrate are good topics for winter.
I think a lot of people are still unsure what you can do over this period. This time of year threads will be popping up about boredom, nothing to do, what can I do etc...well, you can wire, prune, chop, carve, style, maintain, clean your benches, tidy up the surfaces of your pots, replace spent moss, weed your pots, remove spent organic fert from pot surfaces, apply winter wash, repot, slip pot etc the list goes on...
im never bored over winter, its also a good time to buy deciduous trees, as the leaves are off, now you can see what youre paying for and what works needs to be done to move trees forward.
Pots/pottery and soil/substrate are good topics for winter.
Bench maintenance.
How to avoid fungus.
Winter spraying with lime sulfur.
Wintering your trees inside an unheated garage.
How a little "one tree" greenhouse made my tropical thrive.
Why leaves change color in Autumn.
Does a 0-10-10 fertilizer really works in late Autumn?

@leatherback I am sure you have some of the subjects above pretty well covered, but...

EDITED: @BobbyLane posted as I was typing, plenty of good ideas coming from him.
A review of this might make a fun video.

And maybe some collaboration like you did with @Clicio with other southern hemisphere bonsai practitioners.
Wow, now I see that I've already seen a lot of your videos without being subscribed :D
I generally don't subscribe just because I know the person, but when YouTube started suggesting his videos on its own that was enough convincing for me.
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