Fall color and a new pot for Seiju elm

Thanks Dario! That might be my second favorite although I do have a slight problem with the legs. It tends to make the image a little "too light on its feet".
Beautiful tree with nice definition. How long have you had it? Is the white pot the new one, I bet it will really set the tree off.

I like Mach5's last pot best as well, but it may be the color I'm responding to. Can we see the color of that pot in one of the other shapes??? please?
No problem Dave! I tend to agree with you. Here are a couple more per Judy's request :) BTW I like the feet of these pots better.

PIC 4B.jpgPIC 1A .jpg
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I do like these rectangles better in this coloration. I think the cream is too refined a color for such rugged bark. Of course that's just my opinion.... And of these two, I like the rounded corner pot better, as the tree has both masculine and feminine aspects, the pot melds with that too. And something about the overall aspect of the pot size seems better on the rounded corner one.
Thanks for taking the time to show these virts!
It's a very nice tree.
Judy I like that combo too. In fact, I have a pot that looks just like it. It will be fun next spring to line up about 4 or 5 pots at repotting time and see what looks best in real life. Thanks much for everyone's opinions and input !
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