Fall Collecting


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I have seral hundred feet of fencing thats being torn out for nre driveway.there are about twenty maples;species unknown that have been repeatedly chopped back trunks about 2 to 4 inches and good branch growth.What i was wondering is would it be worth the time and effort to dig these up as they fence will be torn out next week.Its fall here in kentucky although still very warm the leaves are changing Will these trees survive winter ?? the plan is to dig as much rootball as possible and wrap them in thick burlap and over winter them in an unheated breezeway between house and garage.

Any advice or ideas to help chances of success is greatly appreciated
If they are being removed then go for it. Get as much rootball as possible and Protect from hard frost. Then you can work them in spring. Pics?
If they are being removed then you have nothing to lose but some time but you could gain some knowledge and experience. Go for it!
OOOOO EXCITEMENT !!!!!!. Just the okay from neighbor to remove a cypress tree from her driveway,possibly a juniper have to take a look.anyways when i get a chance i will post a progression series of pics.I also just check e-mails and i have permission to dig on private land in the red river gorge area ALL KINDS OF POSSIBILITIES IN THE SPRING !!!!! For the record i lost an entire collection of about thirty trees several years ago and am just now getting back into starting projects
That's awesome, with nothing to lose!
Best of luck collecting!!!
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