euonymus japinica

Style in Spring before bud burst - it back buds v well.... Here's mine - I call him 'The Bear'. Remove 3 knuckle stems throughout the season - it has a tendency to do this. Tall / large trees are best suited due to leaf size. As you can see it has hard wood that takes to carving well. I desperately want a back branch to wrap round and frame the deadwood - it will take several years to drop one down from the back.
Here's a before pic of wiring the foliage pads out - this had just been carved in Winter :)

Love this! I will try to get a pic of mine that I literally yanked out of the ground about a month ago.
It's nothing to look at, and I have no idea what way to go with it but you asked. Sorry, I don't have a before shot. It was about a 2-3 foot ball when I started. I forgot to measure the caliper, I'll do it tomorrow.

20170304_162018.jpg 20170304_162127.jpg 20170304_162333.jpg 20170304_193204.jpg 20170304_193332.jpg
Rough sketch
Green the foliage :p
Or the right side deadwood and the left to build up the tree with

Ive done the same with a little boxwood
*sigh* just sold mine in last week's .99 auctions. It will be living in New Mexico now. The winner got it for $35! Pretty good deal for a 3.5" trunk.
Did you ever fully defoliated the bear?

This one grew nicely this season but with all the leaves its hard to see the branch structure and hard to see how to prune or wire the branches so i was thinking of defoliation next season
Did you ever fully defoliated the bear?

This one grew nicely this season but with all the leaves its hard to see the branch structure and hard to see how to prune or wire the branches so i was thinking of defoliation next season
Defoliate an Euonymus? ...if that's the tree you're talking about. In my growing area the Euonymus only puts out one flush of growth per season/year. Well....I did defoliate my tree a few years ago....I thought it would develop more branching. Smart move...Go me! Hmmmm....didn't happen. I spent the rest of the year caring for a "winter image" no-leaf tree. No growth at all. But...after winter (the tree just winters outside in the cold snow and wind) spring arrived and those buds cared for the last season burst into new growth. Lesson growth cycle per year. Perhaps it is different in your climate.
Defoliate an Euonymus? ...if that's the tree you're talking about. In my growing area the Euonymus only puts out one flush of growth per season/year. Well....I did defoliate my tree a few years ago....I thought it would develop more branching. Smart move...Go me! Hmmmm....didn't happen. I spent the rest of the year caring for a "winter image" no-leaf tree. No growth at all. But...after winter (the tree just winters outside in the cold snow and wind) spring arrived and those buds cared for the last season burst into new growth. Lesson growth cycle per year. Perhaps it is different in your climate.

It is an evergreen variety so dont know if it works exactly the same
Did you ever fully defoliated the bear?

This one grew nicely this season but with all the leaves its hard to see the branch structure and hard to see how to prune or wire the branches so i was thinking of defoliation next season

No I haven't as it's evergreen. I'd maybe defoliate one branch to see how it reacts or partial defoliation might be the way.
Just some pics to document development
Untouched is untouched time to pull some weeds

Weeds gone

Beercan for scale



After pruning


It seems to be happy inside the wooden box but I am Realy curious how the roots have developed so far I'll repot it next season, still lots of growing to do
I have another Euonymus too. Hope you don't mind if I share?

Tree as it is now

Trunk close up. Great snake like bark.

Carving I did

The raw material. As you can see it was initially variegated but it's completely reverted now to just plain green.

Initial carving. You can see some stems now unvariegated - this pattern it has kept ever since. All variegated leaves have now disappeared.

I have a few other pics but the upload keeps failing :(
I have another Euonymus too. Hope you don't mind if I share?

Tree as it is now
View attachment 258793

Trunk close up. Great snake like bark.
View attachment 258794

Carving I did
View attachment 258795

The raw material. As you can see it was initially variegated but it's completely reverted now to just plain green.
View attachment 258801

Initial carving. You can see some stems now unvariegated - this pattern it has kept ever since. All variegated leaves have now disappeared.
View attachment 258802

I have a few other pics but the upload keeps failing :(

Nope don't mind you sharing your tree!
It has Potentional!

@Victorim nice find!

You all make my tree feel small 🤣
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