Yeah i did lol bit it does have a good start now toughDamn, you gave it hell dude!
Nice root reduction!
Nice work on this tree. I liked one of those earlier photos where the white seemed "less-white"....more muted and blended as an aged part of the tree. I'd be inclined to brush on some watered down stain just to give it a grayish-wood tone...but that's just my thinking. I like the overall look. Perhaps weather will calm down the start white color....again, just my view.
Really nice work trimming down those roots to essential roots only.
good that you photographed it too....for us to see and especially for you so you can compare as time changes the roots. Mighty fine work you're doing!@Marie1uk
Mines the variety with green and yellow but when kept in the shade they will be green due the more photosynthese they will produce then
Realy looking forward develloping this one tough
i am realy wondering how the flair will look after two years from now
It was exactly the same as @johng does on his azalea video's as he says in the video's the technique applies to manny other species as well and damn right he is lol