I thought I'd revive this post. Living in Southern California, eucalyptus is like a weed. I despise them as a landscape tree. Their giant branches snap off all the time. Their leaf and bark litter is God awful. I have many on my acreage and I'd love to see them all gone. With that being said they're still beautiful trees. So I decided to give a few a go. They were all field dug under a large grove of very compact Eucs. Not sure of the variety. Maybe a brittle gum? All had very substantial tap roots and long thin radial roots. I cut below the lingotuber about one inch and kept the radial roots to just inside the width of the pond basket. We'll she how they develop. If at all. I've read conflicting reports about the viability of trees after heavy root disturbance. I used rooting hormone on the cuts and also a liquid rooting solution in my watering. They be only spent 24hrs in the pond baskets. Soil comp is pumice, scoria, pine bark fines, calcined clay, sand and coco coir.