ERC vs Shimpaku BVF throwdown

Ladies And Gentlemen....
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In the left corner, Often trained and never conquered. Plucked from the mean fields of Central Georgia and wearing bark and Rubbermaid trunks. Natty Daddy’s Infamous Eastern Red Cedar, known as Juniperus virginiana in the elitist circles.

In the right corner, from champion bloodlines; his daddy hailing from Evergreen Gardenworks, a young whipper snapper in lava and bare-knuckled. BVF’s Itoigawa Shimpaku cutting, known also as Juniperus chinensis the world around.

Gentlemen, best of luck, fight clean, and may the best juniper win.😜
Good lord! This is too rich!
Update.....Well, I haven’t managed to kill it yet so that’s a start. 👍🏻 Seems to have put on some growth but no matter how I position it in the sun it wants to grow in one direction only. No repot or root work this year, maybe some wire later on to spread things out a bit.
Here’s Turdboy as of today. Despite my best efforts it’s still a one sided tree. Wiring it up soon. Gotta say, I’m not exactly thrilled with the progress so far. I can’t see a convincing looking tree in there......yet. 11435BCD-D427-4821-88C9-948660DEE197.jpeg
Don't worry man, as soon as you've twisted that trunk and those branches, it'll start looking better.
My ERC seedlings threw a bunch of new branches down low after I snipped the apical tips off just before the first flush in spring. Not recommended for older (age 4 and up) trees, but for conifer seedlings in general this seems to be a good move.
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