Drastic chops to ficus. Ideas?


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Bayville, NJ
I purchased this tree a year ago and had to prune so much neglected vertical growth, but Im decently happy with its progress, besides a branch shape/placement or two. I just defoliated it and have gained a lot of new branches, but I'm just contemplating on where to go from here. With the shape being the common S curve, I'm not crazy about it, so I'm reaching out to gain some opinions on chopping it to start 3 new trees. Pics of possible choices below. Lemme know what you think. Thanks in advance.


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I actually quite like the tree as is. With the new shoots all over it has potential to be a nice bonsai with a solid trunk. I'm all for changes when they lead to a better tree but changes just for the sake of change and maybe not for the better would be a backward step.

The top section does not excite me at all. Probably not worth layering.
The mid section with branch to the right is dramatic. Probably the best of the 3 IMHO
Lowest part of the trunk has some potential as a small bonsai but that would be a long term project and a great many things could go wrong while developing new branches and apex.
This looks a lot better than those s shaped store trees... there is nice taper on the trunk - i would just cut the main branches back a bit and keep it as a larger tree...
Air layer it and have 3!
That was my plan, to either utilize the diff pieces as plain old cuttings or air layer them. But with ficus, I could chop right in the middle and stick in soil with a little rooting hormone and it would root in no time. I feel like air layering would be a longer process...
The top section does not excite me at all. Probably not worth layering.
Yea I'm not crazy about the top either. All I've done to the apex is get rid of the triple and quadruple intersections and other problem branches. It was so dense when I first received it. I have wanted to get rid of the apex in the attached pics. I just haven't really pulled the trigger and decided if I really want to lose half the top. Feels like a major set back. What I wanna do is wire the branches that are coming out to the sides, down as much as possible and go from there. This tree is just a pain in the ass! Everytime I wire, maybe 3 weeks later the wire is biting in and I need to remove it, then a month later all the branches spring back up. I've wired the tree probly 8 times in the past year! It never ends...

Appreciate the feedback everyone. Really, thank you.


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