Donald Trump.

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Just because you do not agree, does not mean someone is wrong or worse, frauds. Get of your stump and realize .. Half the world is in depression because of the outcome. Just because Trump won, does not mean the opponents were wrong in their opinion. It only means there are a hell of lot more white supremists in the USA than most of the world expected.
If all the mainstream media organization would like to change their focus to opinions, that would be fine.
But what you fail to realize is, the "news" is supposed to be objective. Journalists are supposed to practice something called objective journalism.
So it is a problem when we have effectively the same kind of propaganda networks for one party that Heinrich Himler only dreamed of.
Sigh. This is just the problem. Whenever someone asks for an explanation, all that comes back is that people are to stupid to understand, have their heads upi their ass yadieyadie. How do you expect people to understand what you mean then?

As for "better in the USA than in a muslim country": I always thought the USA was a country where everybody was welcome, and to live their live as they wanted. However, I just see that being changed into live the way a christian American wants. So I do not understand how a country that claims to want to be as free as possible, can solidly vote for someone who wants to reduce that freedom so broadly. From freedom of religion, to freedom of coice re. abortion to freedom of settlement.
But ok. I am just too stupid or something. Maybe you can help me learn?
Just would not want to be a Female Gay Muslim that is unwanted pregnant due to rape in the USA. No chance you are going to be done right by.

It's completely off-base comments such as these that make me wonder how the liberal mind works. Hyperbole on an epic scale.
It's completely off-base comments such as these that make me wonder how the liberal mind works. Hyperbole on an epic scale.

OK. That really helped. Thx for the clear explanation of your point of view.
I'll just refer to the first sentence in the bit you quoted.

- Out -
If all the mainstream media organization would like to change their focus to opinions, that would be fine.
But what you fail to realize is, the "news" is supposed to be objective. Journalists are supposed to practice something called objective journalism.
So it is a problem when we have effectively the same kind of propaganda networks for one party that Heinrich Himler only dreamed of.

this man speaks the truth. there doesnt seem to be any real journalism at all anymore.
Don't remember the Nazis? They were Germans. The only reason they stopped being Nazis? They lost the war. All of a sudden, nobody was a Nazi. Your way of thinking would have me believe that your a Nazi.

OK. That really helped. Thx for the clear explanation of your point of view.
I'll just refer to the first sentence in the bit you quoted.

- Out -

Keep patting yourself on the back. As I sense the sarcasm in your statement. I get it, Americans are stupid.
Just because you do not agree, does not mean someone is wrong or worse, frauds. Get of your stump and realize .. Half the world is in depression because of the outcome. Just because Trump won, does not mean the opponents were wrong in their opinion. It only means there are a hell of lot more white supremists in the USA than most of the world expected.
Consider, simply consider, the platform Trump was stumping was to get America back to our constitutional roots. That archaic, ancient document and list of rights that so many current polititions are so totally ignoring.

Surprise!!! Maybe, just maybe there are still enough polititions (apparently there are) that have a similar view as the common man and can see "We The People" and this United States of America are fed up with the shafting from our greedy polititions and the direction they've been taking us the last view decades.

For those of you anti-Trumpers that still don't see it, I'd suggest, only suggesting, you go back to the history books and reread where we came from and why we set up "our" government the way they did. ... ... ...

But I digress. I know, I know, don't confuse the issue with the facts.

History does repeat itself, but it's too bad we can't begin to at least pay a little more attention to our past mistakes and what we should'a learned.

And that "constitution", please don't allow anyone to try and convince you "it's just some archaic concept".
Don't remember the Nazis? They were Germans. The only reason they stopped being Nazis? They lost the war. All of a sudden, nobody was a Nazi. Your way of thinking would have me believe that your a Nazi.'s_law

Oh. And.. Surprise. I am not German. So thank you very much for not mistaking me for a Nazi. If you really do not know why this is inappropriate, do what jomawa suggested. You are lucky only a few of my family members lost their lifes in WWII by the hands of German occcupants. Otherwise I might have gotten angry.
I'd suggest, only suggesting, you go back to the history books and reread where we came from's_law

Oh. And.. Surprise. I am not German. So thank you very much for not mistaking me for a Nazi. If you really do not know why this is inappropriate, do what jomawa suggested. You are lucky only a few of my family members lost their lifes in WWII by the hands of German occcupants. Otherwise I might have gotten angry.

Interesting. You live in Germany but don't "identify" yourself as German. We have that here, as well. Inappropriate is throwing around blanket statements like "white supremacy".

My family lost many young men in World War two and I sympathize with your families grief. Sincerely. But I think you should phrase that as YOU were lucky it was only a few.

I don't need "luck", thank you......
white supremists
Just noticed your "location says Germany.

I'm not sure and haven't googled it, but ain't the concept of white supremacy tied into the "aryan nation"? And back when that little skirmish called World War II was going on, wasn't it Germany that was calling themselves aryans and thinking they were so far superior to blacks (who managed to beat them in the olympics about the same time frame) and Jews (even though the Jewish mind was in great demand) ... and ...

Old west european countries are very cosmopolitan. And people often move here and there even working for the same coy.
You live in Germany but don't "identify" yourself as German.
Just noticed your "location says Germany.
Nope. Welcome to Europe. The place where you can move live and work in any country within the union. A little bit like the USA states, really.
And again. WWII was 3 generations ago. Stop bugging those growing up 2 generations after the WW about what happened then. How about living in the now and the future.

Done with this thread. Enjoy Trump.
you can move live and work in any country within the union.

For now.........

Enjoy Trump.

I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be left, "wanting":D:D
But that's been the case for the last seven or eight, so I've gotten used to it...:(

I think you would see I would agree with you on most things. :cool:
I always thought the USA was a country where everybody was welcome, and to live their live as they wanted. However, I just see that being changed into live the way a christian American wants. So I do not understand how a country that claims to want to be as free as possible, can solidly vote for someone who wants to reduce that freedom so broadly. From freedom of religion, to freedom ...
You're thoughts are definately right, but they are also definately wrong. Our immigration "laws" do allow for darn near anyone to come to this nation LEGALLY (emphasis). Those people are not stoopid when they come here, ie they have a very real understanding why they are "chosing" to leave wherever and come here, (and are aware of our/their freedoms and liberties). But we make no bones of what it is this nation is founded on. You come here to fit in with Americans, fine. You come here to make this country like where you left, we got a little problem with that. Why don't you simply go back where you came from?

You come here illegally, the Clinton/Obama side of politics doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Trump, "all ya'all illegals go back where ya came from".

This country was founded on Judeo Christian principles. We are getting farther and farther from that the more we try to say there is no right or wrong or absolutes or God, and every one simply does what's right in their own eyes.

In part, our freedom is part of the problem, because when you immigrate here, you too have governed freedom, but not everyone will necessarily want you doing that which you are free to do, (like trying to change the foundational status quo of this great nation).

And for any of those reading this who may have talked of immigrating to Canada if what happened, happened. Please do, we won't miss ya, and take as many others with ya that are talking about it.

Yes, talk is free and cheap, and only time will tell if Trump is able to follow through with what he claimed to do, but at least he has given us a whole lot of hope. A bit contrary to the despair about the other sides agenda. Maybe, just maybe, that is why he won. Hmmm, what a novel idea.

So if this don't help ya get it, I can't.
WWII was 3 generations ago. Stop bugging those growing up 2 generations after the WW about what happened then. How about living in the now and the future.
OK, I know you said you're done, so I'll simply use your last words to reiterate my point. "History repeats itself". The expanded meaning of this typically is that "the mistakes of history oftentimes repeat themselves". Whyyy??? Simply because so many individuals take the tact you are taking and stick their head in the sand (ignoring the mistakes of history or others).

My saying that world war II "was just a little skirmish" was totally in jest. What you seem to be saying is there is nothing to learn by past history (or our past mistakes). If the founders of America took that tact, we would not be the "Land of the Free". By the way, not sure how you count "generations" but my dad fought in World War II, and its end was less than ten years before I was born. He also fought in Korea and 'Nam. Is there nothing to learn from this history either?

Good luck on what seems to be your philosophy, that will allow you to make the same mistakes over and over and ... Go ahead and live in the here and now and pay no attention to "history", and do others a favor by not bothering them or asking them to bail you out due to the results of your stupid decision of paying not attention to the mistakes of others. Oh wait a minute, aren't the liberals pretty much living in the hear and now?

And thanks for stopping because I was concerned I would need to get some boots on, ( to be able to wade through the BS).
My comment about Trump is that I don't think many people understand that this election wasn't about the candidates. It was about how many people in this country don't feel government is working for them. A vote for Trump was a vote against Washington DC.

I couldn't agree more.
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