Donald Trump.

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Ignorance !
Bet you did not read one word in Mein kampf.

I've read it. It is a little bit of a slog, but interesting nonetheless. It's all in there - all his views about a new Reich, and what it would be like and who would be welcome. I just don't think many people believed it at the time...
Hitler was a fascist state capitalist, not a socialist in the classical sense.

Plus he needed the industrialists to support him. He smashed the unions, because he didn't want anyone controlling the workers (other than the government). But for the most part he left the industrialists alone, as long as they toed the line and supported him.
I'm just sick of the gravy train. Someone needs to stop it.
I'm not cool with my tax dollars supporting able-bodied and able-minded, people who should be working.
We are a socialist country now.
We already have a permanent underclass, which votes democrat.
We already have school teachers in the cities training the kids to go get government jobs, because "they're easy and you get a pension", usually followed by a laugh.
I'm sick of it. It's sickening. Who else could possibly start the pendulum swinging in the other direction?...
Trump is not a perfect candidate, for anyone, from any point of view.
He's really not even the "outsider" he's playing.
But he is something different...
I'm ready for different.
Are you implying that 2008 was a better time than 2016? Because that's not how I remember it.
That's probably what the Germans thought in 1933.

Hitler was never elected by a majority. The 1933 election came after the appointment of Hitler to the position of Chancellor, and the burning of the Reichstag (building). Even with no real political opponents, and with the full backing of all of the state's media and propaganda, the Nazi party achieved 43.9% of the vote. It was their best ever political showing... but infuriated Hitler because he did not get the majority necessary to dominate the Reichstag. It was the last contested election in pre-war Germany. Within two weeks Hitler declared emergency powers, dissolved the Reichstag, and became a dictator.

I mention this because I think some people have the misconception that the vast majority of Germans embraced Hitler. Most did not.
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Hitler was never elected by a majority. The 1933 election came after the appointment of Hitler to the position of Chancellor, and the burning of the Reichstag (building). Even with no real political opponents, and with the full backing of all of the state's media and propaganda, the Nazi party achieved 43.9% of the vote. It was their best ever political showing... but infuriated Hitler because he did not get the majority necessary to dominate the Reichstag. It was the last contested election in pre-war Germany. Within two weeks Hitler declared emergency powers, dissolved the Reichstag, and became a dictator.

I mention this because I think some people have the misconception that the vast majority of Germans embraced Hitler. Most did not.

That's absolutely correct !!
Trump may have authoritarian tendencies, due to his business experience...
Isn't there an authoritarian in the white house now?...who does everything by executive order, like a dictator...and no one calls him on his multitude of constitutional violations because they don't want to be destroyed by the grovelling sycophantic leftists in the media...
All the Obama supporters are trying to destroy Trump, the media is trying to destroy Trump, what else do we need to know?
The facists of today are all leftys, and they work for media, they call themselves journalists....
They even go out hunting for people to destroy, who do not agree with their twisted political beliefs.
( the bakery, the pizza shop)
Really? I'm a journalist. I am hardly a lefty. Been voting republican possibly longer than you've been alive. Like bad cops, there are sleazy journalists, but for the most part, the vast majority of them care about what they're doing and have morals and keep their political beliefs out of their work.. I have known literally hundreds of newspaper, magazine and broadcast journalists. I could count the number of sleazeballs and spinmeisters on one hand.
"Change", remember....
Post racial president, most transparent regime ever and all those lies.....
It's worse than ever....

Most transparent regime is a broken promise, but it's hardly worse than ever. Obama can't hold a candle to regimes like Clinton's, Nixon's or FDR's when it comes to lacking transparency.
It's probably fair to say that some things are worse than ever, but overall...compared to where things were in way.

You want to see "worse than ever", elect Trump. Seriously. It boggles the mind how many people are voting for him. I get it to some degree - people are fed up with government, both parties are in it for themselves, both parties are equally to blame for the gridlock in DC and for the horrible candidates put forth every 4 years. But electing Trump is not the solution.

I do hope that the prospect of someone like Trump getting elected is scary enough to enough people to bring about some of the changes we need.
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