Does my Juniper look healthy??


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Hey all bonsai lovers! I've always been an admirer of bonsai but have never had the chance to get one. Recently, my girlfriend bought me a beautiful juniper as a surprise and I've had it for about a week or so. The reason I'm posting here is because I've read that browning needles are good and healthy, but yellow needles are not. I don't really know what to look for in this situation so I thought I'd ask some experienced people about my tree. Does it appear to be healthy and thriving?


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I don't see any yellow needles... maybe very close to the trunk but that is normal that older needles fall off. If it looks yellow on the tip, then get worried like this LINK

Give it sun, water when it needs water (not on a schedule), and enjoy the hobby!
Timeless to better help you please add your location to your profile. As Jim said this is an outdoor tree. Tell us more about what kind of soil it is in, where you have place it, etc. Look at other postings and provide us with better pictures and we will be able to provide better information to you. And a last note: Bonsai is a hands on art form, you should join your local bonsai club to maximize your learning.
looks healthy to me.

Unfortunately I could easily show you pictures of definitively unhealthy junipers (mine) and as Barrosinc said: as long as it doesn't turn brown you are in business.
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