Do You YouTube? Favorite bonsai person to follow

Most of my favourites have been listed, i'd like to give an extra nod to Greenwood Bonsai though as I think their stuff is just top drawer - proper knowledge, sometimes raw beginner material, sometimes specimen trees, rarely a foot wrong I'd say.

One not mentioned here which has surprised me- Mauro Stemberger and Bonsai Dream - one of the most prominent in Europe and pops up on my feed a lot, though the material he works with is generally top yamadori so not that relateable perhaps. He is Italian but seems to produce in English, Italian and Spanish.
A few Australian channels that deserve a watch:

* Bonsai Matsu - Not a huge amount of content, but what he does post is worth watching. His main focus is his podcast, which I think is one of the best around.
* Bonsai-En - Another one that's dropped off in content production but definitely some stuff there worth binge watching.
* Aussie Bonsai Bloke - Just an Aussie bloke in his shed, working on his trees. He has some nice trees in his collection, doesn't get too technical, just has a beer or two and talks about his trees. I think there's a few of us who've been inspired to record our trees for YouTube by his videos, but Sam is the original.
* Madam Bonsai - A relatively new channel, nice trees, some good information, worth a watch.

Do you know a way we could get in touch with him and encourage him to produce more YouTube content?
Not a clue!! Seriously though, I post primarily to facebook now with some stuff going automatically to IG. More just trees I've worked on than educational videos...
Has anyone checked out The BonsaI journey. Its very new and I am not sure who is responsible for the content-- it looks Japanese with an American narrator. But they are short but decent. 3-5 year short stories.
Don't really follow anyone in particular but I've watched some of Ryan Neil's, Bjorn's and Jelle's videos. I've also watched some videos about Brazilian rain trees but don't remember the name of the person. Probably watched others here and there if the subject interested me.
I don't follow anyone in particular, but I like
Growing bonsai with Jelle or whatever his channel is called
Bonsai Mirai (on mute)
And whatever recommendation youtube serves me.

Every time I try to follow interesting artists, they start paywalling their content so I'm more of a free spirit in that sense to not jinx it.
I like growing bonsai.

The guy is Dutch, or German.
Makes decent videos and adds some fun stuff in there.
I was just telling my fellow club members about him. I told them I thought he was Swedish 🤣 . (Im an uncultured idiot)

But I’ve been watching him since he began; love his vids. I tried his JM rooting techniques and got 80% of my deshojo cuttings to take!
I watched far more Youtube videos in my earlier days of bonsai. Mostly general information and was just trying to get my bearings. I find it harder nowadays to find videos - call them more advanced maybe - to further my knowledge. Bonsai Mirai is great, but I have a limited attention span and need bite sized segments on particular topics.
I was just telling my fellow club members about him. I told them I thought he was Swedish 🤣 . (Im an uncultured idiot)

But I’ve been watching him since he began; love his vids. I tried his JM rooting techniques and got 80% of my deshojo cuttings to take!
That's Great! You should tell fim. I am sure he would love the message.
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