Do You YouTube? Favorite bonsai person to follow

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While the polar vortex works its way across the country, Midwest deep freeze, there is nothing outdoorsy going on. So, I am left to wonder and dream about spring, and salivate about what I want to accomplish, when it warms up.

How often do you watch YouTube videos about bonsai? Do you have a favorite or particular YouTuber you prefer? Peter Chan.

Notions Bonsai, he's sweet, enthusiastic, and I think the Braveheart hair is cute;)

You can be well versed in bonsai, but if your presentation and or voice is less than pleasing to the ear, I'll take a pass.

And this is what happens with too much time on my hands.
I like growing bonsai.

The guy is Dutch, or German.
Makes decent videos and adds some fun stuff in there.
Must admit that I haven't watched TV in five years, but I've become addicted to bonsai on YouTube, and that Dutch guy is one of my favorites. 🤣🤣🤣 His sidekick Xavier is too.

YouTube bonsai seems like a controversial topic on this forum, but I think the truth is that most of us don't aspire to show trees or become a professional, so starting at the church of Ryan Neil and Bjorn is like starting your education in graduate school before you even know how to read. I like channels that are encouraging, show other hobbyists trees, and have decent production.
Without question, my favorite bonsai YouTube channel is Bonsaify . @Eric Schrader is a phenomenal teacher. Bjorn and Ryan's channels are great, but Eric's instruction for working material that the average bonsai enthusiast has access to is second to none. Also, he tends to focus on shohin, which I'm becoming more and more interested in.
I used to watch Peter Chan but his stuff has gotten stale, he repeats all the time and is too superficial. Most of my watching is now with Eric Schraeder, Corin at Greenwood Bonsai, and the occasional Bjorn video when he actually does one on bonsai. But my favorite channel is the crew at BonsaiQ in Omiya Japan, especially Kanta and Hiruma. I don’t miss any of their videos!
As a noob, I consume a lot of YT bonsai content. The channels already named are all very good. All joking aside, that Deutsche Dude really does have potential. I appreciate that he acknowledges his failures so that viewers can learn not to make the same mistakes.
Curious if anyone has seen Zanestrees. He focuses on P. afra. I'm pretty sure he's in the desert somewhere.
Yeah I watch the Dutch guy all the time, great information and dosnt seem to exaggerate as much as the others. Murai is a little advanced for me but great info also. Now that heirloom fella, not so sure about him....
Ive really stopped watching a lot of bonsai channels... I do watch that weird Ductch/German dude though and I still watch Nigel Saunders when hes going over one of his older progress trees.

I also watch Corin when hes doing more in depth species specific videos.
I personally appreciate the multi-generational age of some of Corins trees, I don’t feel like there’s a lot of western examples of that. Jelle posts very consistent quality content and his following has grown accordingly.

Other well produced content I like:
Blue sky bonsai- less frequent postings but useful visual aids

Bonsai Releaf- excellent production quality only possible with a huge investment of time. You’ll be waiting a while once you binge all of his videos but they’re worth the wait imo.
Bonsai Releaf- excellent production quality only possible with a huge investment of time. You’ll be waiting a while once you binge all of his videos but they’re worth the wait imo.
Just went to his channel and watched one of his transformations. Incredible, thanks for mentioning and to the OP, thanks for asking the question. So many great suggestions to go through!
Here's my list (most have already been said):
Blue sky bonsai--
Growing Bonsai--Jelle
Bonsai Retreat--Xavier
Mirai---Ryan Neil
Bonsaify---Eric Shrader
Green Wood Bonsai--Corin
Bonsai Zone--Nigel
Bonsai Q---subtitles but great material
Terry Erasmus
small trees---a member here and has some good videos on trident maple
bonsai shinshi---japanese channel with some great stuff

There's probably more but I think I got the most of them.
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