Do you use the ignore feature?

Well Darlene your a better person than me. If I felt attacked, I usually attempt to attack back. Your way is probably better.

I find it easier to not strike's not in me. I can swallow it...not like it...and let that poster know that I am now ignoring them. And then add them to my list. It's just not worth the reply and add fuel to the hardest is not defending friends...that is where I have a hard time. I run my own life as such. No one speaks ill of a friend and my sit with my mouth glued shut...not stopping them in their place. (With a tone...but, politely I put a stop to it.) My thoughts...if I don't defend or stop one then their words might as well come from my own mouth.

I left for a time...because I can't do that here...because one can't hear tones in a text message. Now, I just refrain from going into a post thread that gets ugly. To refrain from commenting...because again, that's my weakest/strongest urge to reply comes in...and I won't have ones taking my text the wrong way. And it can come across to whomever reads it in a different context as I meant it to.
I did a stint as a specialty coffee brand manager for a couple years and spent some time in Chicago with Starbucks, and a week in Sacramento with Java City. Highlight of the trip in Sac was a cupping with several of their brokers who were just back from farms around the world to buy coffee/futures. They pressed about 10 regionals that were roasted only feet away and moments before, and nailed all of them in a blind cupping. It was cool to be a part of it, and I was lucky to guess 1-2. Sumatra and Ethopia are my 2 favorite regionals.
I am not a fan of Starbucks. I like some of their beans when I grind and brew them. In a pinch I'll have a cup but not often. How does Java City stack up?
I like some of their beans when I grind and brew them
Now Vin,
How do you brew? I am a big fan of the press. Probably bought a few cups from Starbucks over the years while on vacation . Not a fan of there prices. Chose to press my own . Not a roaster, leave that for the well trained.
Now Vin,
How do you brew? I am a big fan of the press. Probably bought a few cups from Starbucks over the years while on vacation . Not a fan of there prices. Chose to press my own . Not a roaster, leave that for the well trained.

I have French Press, Stovetop Expresso, Electric Percolator (my late mothers) and a Bonavita Drip coffee makers. I mention Bonavita by name because it’s one of the few affordable coffee makers that can get the water up to 200 degrees. I use it for my daily brew. However, I think the Stovetop Expresso maker produces the best cup for me but I also agree the press can produce an excellent cup as well.
I am not a fan of Starbucks. I like some of their beans when I grind and brew them. In a pinch I'll have a cup but not often. How does Java City stack up?
Very good. Not roasted as dark as Starbucks, so the flavor comes through a bit better, but it's also slightly more acidic for it. Peet's is also excellent if you haven't tried it. Major Dickason's Blend is tasty. Publix now carries it around here.
Well quiet as its kept I do use a Keurig most week days Although I can buy high end cups, not the same. Mother's percolator, agree is great. Stovetop Espresso maker, not familiar with. Will research.
I am not a connoisseur of coffee, but I am a coffee junky and have drank many varieties. The bottom line for me is it has to be French press, strong, the kind of cup that will make your hands shake on an empty stomach, usually means a dark shiny bean, delicious morning ritual.
It's so weird having two threads with the same name.
I'm starting to get dizzy.

Yes I'm getting that Today. 2 threads. Yesterday I Thought you where smoking the bean from your other thread.. lol.
Very good. Not roasted as dark as Starbucks, so the flavor comes through a bit better, but it's also slightly more acidic for it. Peet's is also excellent if you haven't tried it. Major Dickason's Blend is tasty. Publix now carries it around here.
Major Dickason's is one of my favorite preroasted coffee blends. Caribou Blend, Kicking Horse Kick Ass Dark Roast and Sweetwater Organic Carpe Diem are some great ones as well. It's great to know there are others like me out there.
I am not a connoisseur of coffee, but I am a coffee junky and have drank many varieties. The bottom line for me is it has to be French press, strong, the kind of cup that will make your hands shake on an empty stomach, usually means a dark shiny bean, delicious morning ritual.
I wouldn't consider myself connoisseur but I'm pretty sure I can tell what makes a good cup of coffee. I started drinking coffee when I was around 10 years old. I mostly drank Maxwell House until I was about 45 years old. The day I bought a blade grinder and some Whole Bean Colombian everything changed. If I had to give up either bonsai or coffee, I'd give up bonsai without even a second thought. Well, maybe a second thought ;)
Man, I'm getting confused . Can we just change the name of this thread to the coffee thread.
The other one can remain ignored.
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