Imperial Masterpiece
There is a limit though, isn't there? For me there is.Me too! I have actually been thinking about it too. Why do I find this such an abrasive function. I guess it is really just a form of disrespect I cannot deal with. Brought up to not ignore other people, their needs and their ideas. It is what shaped me, and part of my core values
In real life I can walk away and for the most part, just not interact with certain people. On a forum, though, you really don't have that option. They can freely post in your threads as well as other threads you may be participating in. The ignore function provides a surrogate for "walking away" in real life.
I just browsed through my list, which has grown fairly long over the years. I noted something interesting - most of the people that I chose to ignore are no longer posting here (or when they do, it's mostly just babble or political crap). That tells me they probably really didn't have an interest in bonsai and were mainly here to troll and stir up trouble, which further tells me I made the right choice.
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