Do you seal or cut paste the top of a cutting?

i do it for mume and maples, not really anything else. I use wood glue, squirt some in a cap or something, and then dip the tops. I can't tell you if makes a difference because I changed my entire process at once but I am wildly more successful now than I used to be. I had a lot of cuttings rot from the cut site prior but they were almost all maples and mume. Mume are difficult anyway. I have never used a dome or tent but I do have misters that go off for 2mins every 2hours in the summer. Also put Bonide granules on the soil.
to wrap each one
Not sure what you mean here. You wrapped each cutting?

All in all, for species that root well (Did you post which species you are taking cutting off?) the way to go about it get a bunch of fresh cuttings. Cut them just below a node with a very sharp knife or scissors to make a nice smooth cut without crushing. Dip in hormone. Place in clean substrate. Water. Shelter. Wait. I have found that putting the pot with cuttings inside protective environment such as a plastic bag or humidity dome increases sucess manyfold. But besides that.. Not much is needed.

I water when I hardly see any condense on the inside of the baggie anymore.
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