Dip "your" toe in the Bonsai Exhibit World.

This is another Cal juniper dug in early 2000's.

First styling


Then the squirrels ate the left side roots off. Left side died. Made lemonade. Have grown all new foliage on the top and will restyle in Fall.

Shohin Olive/before and after/garden centre stock/early stages of branch development




I'll amend to the rules to must walk on two feet!

My teacher is in a wheel chair.
Haha here are all my trees!

Seriously, great stuff. Its good to see them all in one thread!

Mugo Pine from nursery container grown in one of my training planters for about five years. In planter 2006


Same tree in 20142014MugoRedux.jpg

There is another update of this tree to follow latter.
Maybe I should pull a Braxton Brag moment and start having an argument with myself. It seems the only way a thread can go viral is if someone is dissing someone else. I am reminded of the Movie; French Fried Movie. Very funny movie that had some moments. At one point in the movie in the middle of a parade there was a break in the move which faded into a gentelman in an office sitting at a desk. He said: Our research has shown that only movies with an R rating make decent money and our experts have informed us this move will not receive and R rating. So----we would like to take this opportunity to say: F--- You. Thank you very much for watching our movie and now lets return to the parade.
Maybe I should pull a Braxton Brag moment and start having an argument with myself. It seems the only way a thread can go viral is if someone is dissing someone else. I am reminded of the Movie; French Fried Movie. Very funny movie that had some moments. At one point in the movie in the middle of a parade there was a break in the move which faded into a gentelman in an office sitting at a desk. He said: Our research has shown that only movies with an R rating make decent money and our experts have informed us this move will not receive and R rating. So----we would like to take this opportunity to say: F--- You. Thank you very much for watching our movie and now lets return to the parade.
FYI I've been waiting for the other update that was supposed to follow latter before commenting. :)
PrRvIbN.jpg HKa44zL.jpg

The tree as of last night. Three weeks ago it was planted into the Sara Raynor Pot . During that time the current years growth has expanded, as I think you can see, and new buds have been developing below the new growth. In another couple of weeks the new growth will be removed and the new buds will be set for next spring. Understandable that there is still a great deal of development that needs to take place but here it is.

The top image is the way the tree looked in 2013 whe it was nicknamed The Angry Bird Mugo.

This is the shape the tree was in before the final redesign was undertaken in 2013.
I'm probably one of the last ones that should offer my opinion of your tree because I do not even own a pine. However, for what it's worth, this is what I see:

There seems to be too much negative space in the middle trunk area. I keep looking at the space and not the rest of the tree. Maybe if you brought the second branch on the left down a bit it would fill some of the space and not draw the eye toward it. Anyway, it's a cool tree but that's what I see. Go ahead, let me have it :)

Angry Bird.jpg
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You're right it is not finished. I cannot fill the space till a branch or tow lengthens to make that possible.
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This is a boxwood that was purchased as a one gallon plant in the late 1980s. Maybe the early 1990s. It is one of the few trees that survived my first go at bonsai. When I gave up bonsai after my first kid was born, I planted it on my hill and forgot about it. Then, in 2012, I dug it up and potted it. Pruned it. Eventually it looked like this:

I thought about styling it like an oak, but then I took it to a workshop and was talked into cutting it all off. A few weeks later, it looked like this:

Now, after a couple ofyears and some branch development and selection, and a recent haircut, it looks like this:

Next stop: the dremel.
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