Crape Myrtle project

My myrtle project for next spring.....

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Im serious....y'all watch....

The base on that monster is impressive, Marco. Being such a vigorous tree, it probably won't have trouble recovering from collection too. Looks large enough that the flowers may even work with the final design. You should start a thread for sure when you decide to collect it.
The base on that monster is impressive, Marco. Being such a vigorous tree, it probably won't have trouble recovering from collection too. Looks large enough that the flowers may even work with the final design. You should start a thread for sure when you decide to collect it.

I had a larger one (no where near THAT size) and collection essentially is as follows...

Saws-all the flat about an 2inches deep in the soil and chainsaw the top in early spring.....I cant even put my arms around this sucker though, so it'll probably take a whole day......and if you want to see more impressive bases on upcoming projects, look no further than this amazing thing......

Water Elm most likely, but I don't know about the foliage, Ill post pics of leaves in a second for ID, and yes, thats one tree, not two.......Probably the best base of any elm I've ever seen....


Just to give you a sense of scale, that base is over two feet in diameter....Going to be a show stopper in about...oh say...A still question why, after seven years and the unintentional homicide of countless trees, why I do this....Oh yeah, because I love it....

And I'm glad you mentioned the flowers...The only way your going to do anything big with Crapes is to do it REALLY BIG or just get a dwarf variety.......I like big
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