Copper vs. Aluminum?


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Syracuse, NY
No contest.

What size copper do you find you run out of most frequently? What sizes do you order when you reload the copper supply? This thread has nothing to do with aluminum. Just curious to hear what size(s) of wire are most widely used/prefered.

I get left-over wire from an electrian friend (its free) which usually is #12 or #14 So that is what I use most often. But that is probably what I would use most of the time in any case.
linerally I use the most in only copper: 22,20,18 gauge for fine wiring (which I do alot of lately). Next is the middle wires 16 (which I use less of but its critical when I need it) and main wire of 14 gauge and then 12 gauge which I use much less off and a bit of 10 rarely . All other gauges I use infrequently and only with large collected trees or projects.
Crust makes a very good point. I have a coil from an old electromagnet that is #18 wire I think. I use that for fine wiring but there are hundreds of feet of it and I don't think I will ever run out. I don't use very heavy wire much but that is what I have the least of. Dave - do you mean what do we use the most of by the foot or by the pound?
linerally i.e. lengthwise I use fine wire much more. I also reuse fine wire much more. At the price of copper wire I suppose I should try some aluminum.
I find more than enough copper wire cleaning up at festivals to be able to supply all my bonsai needs and make a fair parcel of cash at the scrappy.
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