So if some one abandons seeds out the window of their car that grow into weeds when does this become government property?
These trees are WEEDS they are a pollutant on our native bushland we are doing the government a service, this stick your head in the sand and being derogatory to persona while ignoring the issue and draw a line in the sand to make themselves feel righteous is very arrogant.
I am mighty arrogant, but that has nothing to do with the subject matter at all, now does it? Try to stick to the subject and avoid name calling please.
The fact is if you take something that is not yours, without permission, it is stealing. Even a dandelion.
Once those seeds hit the ground, they are growing on someone’s property (here in America) and belong to them. Period. Where doesn't matter, there is not an inch of land that is not owned by somebody.
In America trash is considered abandoned property, which is why people can legally go through your trash and why celebrities and other unsavory people are very careful about what they throw away. When someone digs up a tree or bush and places it alongside the curb, it is abandoned and no one minds if you take them, no one. The same goes for any other trash. But the minute you walk over to his Japanese Maple that has a hundred seedlings growing under it, seedlings they most likely are going to rip up and toss the next time they weed anyways, and pull some up without permission, you are stealing.
Knock on the door, ask permission, that is the right and legal thing to do.
So where those Yews yours you have not stated that you asked permission. By your justification this is stealing.
I don't think you have the clarity of what is right or wrong to warrant telling others.
You think wrongly then.
The Yews were abandoned property and I was in full compliance with the laws in removing them. I even went one strep further and asked the homeowner if he planned on removing any other trees, offering to do the digging myself and save him the effort. Next spring I will be removing 6 40 year old, pruned back yearly, Junipers from his rental property.
Doing the right thing has its advantages.
Justify all you want to, but don't get mad when the simple truth is stated, stealing is stealing, no matter what the justification.