Collecting Hazards

I'm sure glad I wasn't out there in the dark! Your experience is scarier than mine, I was able to keep my nerves under control mostly because I could see the cat, and keep my gun on him almost the whole way. I can't imagine being out in the dark with 3 cats. At least there were two of you.
Oh I don't know about that, being able to clearly see the beastie in question would be just as or more scary! Its like mountaineering on a cloudy day, easier to move when you can't see how far the fall is sometimes.

On that night the feeling of fear was soon overcome by a strange combination of defensive anger and aggression. I'm a pretty passive guy, I found that response interesting and a bit exhilarating.

Its awesome you were able to get all those great pics, must have used a fast shutter speed to negate the shaking hands!
Holy shit Dan! What an experience!! I'm so glad to hear you and the cat walked away unharmed...but those eyes...damn scary!

btw, I'm a little, not a lot ;) of experiences with guns...what is a M&P?
My experience was different. I managed to stay rather calm. I did get a bit shaken for a moment when he came back for the second go. I was hoping that it was the end after I chased him off the first time. I felt both a bit of fear, and sadness that I may have to shoot him. I was able to regain a level of calmness after a moment though. -- I've hunted my entire life, but I don't have any desire to take unnecessary life. In my youth I didn't feel that so much, but my own hunting and years of guiding hunters has led me to take the lives of all creatures/things, (even trees :)) more seriously. I'm not against hunting (still do from time to time), and I enjoy wild meat. My perspective and reasoning has just changed to a degree.

Chris, An "M&P" is Smith & Wesson's "Glock" style hand gun. Google will show you plenty of pictures of them. :)
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Absolutely AWESOME trip. Aside from the imminent danger of course. Really glad you got out of there without you or the big cat being hurt.

Also, that M&P is one hell of a shooter isn't it? Much better in the hand than a Glock could ever feel. Also, made in the right place.
Chansen, we only really have black bears in this part of the state. If there were Grizzlies around I'd be carrying something much larger.

I would imagine the 44 would be sufficient for even larger black bears. For a Grizzly... .454 for me.
Shit I know you rather the cat over a gator but ill keep my gators over them cats any day. Gators don't stalk or hunt you.
Those kitties are pretty common where I live.
I used to run regularly on a trail in Cool, CA where a fellow runner was eaten by a lion. I always ran with may dog there. Had one eat 12 of my ewes once before we were able to track it down and shoot it. Another time, when my daughter was 9 or 10, a lion stalked her on the 1/4 mile trail from the bus stop to our house. We had taught our kids how to behave in that situation and she held her backpack high over her head to appear larger and slowly backtracked to a neighbors house to phone us. We started meeting the kids at the bus stop after that. I frequently hear their screams at night as they patrol their territory.

Ya... They just explode out of the dark water, then drag you under and twist, and shake you to death with giant rows of razor sharp teeth... lol. Much less scary... ;)
I'm so afraid of mountain lions. I'd have to have a gun, a mule, and a pack of dogs come with me like in this story if you haven't heard of it.
That mule would come in quite handy! Lion defense, and he could pack out my trees!!!
That is so insane and scary! I often collect by myself and am always super paranoid about animal encounteres. I usually have bear spray and a big knife with me, but this makes me want get a g u n. Do you camp out there when you collect? I do, which is another scary part about the experience.

Glad you are okay! the pictures are amazing.
Bear spray is very effective. :)

I have done a lot of camping, but none for collecting yet. Most of my collecting areas aren't too far for me to travel each day. That would certainly add to the fear factor.
Also, that M&P is one hell of a shooter isn't it? Much better in the hand than a Glock could ever feel. Also, made in the right place.

It's true. Fits like a glove and shoots great! I thought I was going to buy an XD, but this fit my hand much better. Amazing how guns fit into a bonsai discussion... :rolleyes:
It's true. Fits like a glove and shoots great! I thought I was going to buy an XD, but this fit my hand much better. Amazing how guns fit into a bonsai discussion... :rolleyes:

I had no idea s&w made a glock like gun. I'd love to shoot that babe! I have a 9mm which is fun to shoot, but a friend has s s&w 45 that is a blast to shoot. Funny, not too many 'city folk' around here have guns....nor bonsai for that matter ;))
Mountain lions are the most unpredictable of all our north American wild animals. They will stalk you and attack you if given the chance. When I lived in Washington State, there were frequently report in the paper of cougar attacks.

We have a lot of cougar attacks here in NY. They're a different type of cougar, but just as wild. ;) Downtown Manhattan is full of them.
He probably just wanted to see your collecting permit.
That's really crazy and surreal, you think things like this never happen, then BAM you have eyes starring at you. I've never had such a crazy thing like that, but I did have a similar thing happen. I was collecting in the mountains in upstate Virginia and when I looked up halfway though digging the tree up, I saw a bobcat had plopped a spot about 35'ish yards away and was just watching me. I wasn't really in danger and it was kinda cool and scary. I made sure I was facing him when I was digging past that point. I had no weapons other then a shovel and saw. I know carry a micro air horn(first line of defense),10" knife, and a rugar sr45
That's a great experience with a bobcat! I've rarely seen them in the wild either. The air horn is a good idea. :) I carry plenty of collecting tools, including a pry bar that would do some serious damage, plus the gun.
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