Just an update pic taken last month...
I definitely liked the tree best back when it had this front, with this potting angle, and the lower left branch. Maybe you can grow a new branch in the same area you like better.
Just an update pic taken last month...
I definitely liked the tree best back when it had this front, with this potting angle, and the lower left branch. Maybe you can grow a new branch in the same area you like better.
That was fast. How bout a 360?
That looks nice Dario. It is looking more balanced now although hard to tell from above. You have a good eye. Thanks for the progression.
Its looking very nice. As far as the repot. Just a word of caution. Generally, collected trees are not repotted again until 3-5 years after collecting. I would hate to see you lose this tree or have some major health set backs with it just to get it into a pot a year earlier. Seriously, it is not worth risking the health of this nice tree, just to get it into a pot for no other reason than to get it into another pot.
Is was hard to focus on my conference when the jewelry store was outside!!
Boxwood are extremely tough customers. I've reduced rootmasses about the size of this one by 75 to 80 percent getting the tree into a four inch deep bonsai pot a year after collection. No problems at all.
Of course, this all depends on the individual root mass. Large thick roots have to be cut back to nothing. If they old and have a very substantial amount of feeder roots attached, then you have to slow down a bit.
It's looking great Dario!
I would generally consider the 3-5 year repot after collection far more important for conifers than deciduous. Rob, I mean no offense in the least, but why do you treat deciduous the same? (I suppose boxwood is technically an still not a conifer)
One of the reason I want to repot (other than being impatient) is because it still has mostly old/original soil in it. This is one of the first I collected and I did not clean the roots, just chopped it close enough and left all the original soil in. It is actually flourishing but I feel it will grow better with uniform bonsai soil.
Some of my other trees started to struggle due to this condition though and I have been doing partial soil replacement on those (pie slice method) with good results.