Collected Arizona Ash clump/group

Very nice, Danny. I like this composition a lot. I'd definitely be gun shy about trying a species with compound leaves myself, but I think Walter Pall has an Ash and it's quite good. I think if you can keep the leaves and leaflets small it will help. Looking forward to seeing the development on this!

How big is it?
Thanks Cory. Yeah I have def seen that one from Walter. Part of the reason I moved forward with this one. The largest trunk is pretty hefty. In particular I thought it would look good out of leaf. But I also figured that when in leaf the trees would read as a whole negating the compound leaf issue. Any of these trees on there own would probably not work, but as a whole I think it works.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm on the road. I'll be home, where my books are on Sunday. I'll get back to you.

Just looking, it could be. A gray felt appearance on the affected part of the leaf might be the relevant symptom.
Of course! I love your responses and knowledge Leo! I appreciate you taking the time when you respond.
@Brian Van Fleet I’m several years off from needing a good “show” pot. But what would say would pair well with a group like this? I really like the brownish red outline the leaves have in early spring, do you think complimenting and highlighting that would be suitable? Maybe a reddish pot? I also think an oval would be best, but am uncertain about lip or no lip, bag or no bag. Your insight would be awesome for my hunt.
This was another one of my trees that completely dried up while I was out of town. I came back to a tree covered in crispy leaves. I thought for sure it was a goner. But there were signs of life. I stripped all the dry leaves and cut out the obvious branches that were dead. I maintained and here we are. I did lose the small trunk on the back right that really helped with perspective on this tree but not a huge loss. I did also lose some of the new branching on the back side of the apex that needs work. I’m just happy this tree is still alive!
Shame about that lost trunk. Is there no way to set up a sprinkler system for when you’re away?
Agreed. There is. I am in a rental but there is a stray, called off length of half inch poly hooked up to the sprinkler system. I had intentions of handling that before my trip but I’ve been so busy with my business. I thought for sure my wife would be able to handle it, but she just couldn’t quite water enough. She was in her emergency department rotation for PA school so really busy her self. A tough lesson for me to learn. When I build my house next year and my garden, a fully automated watering system is top priority.
I’ve really allowed this tree to grow and get bushy. After a bout of leaf spot then fully drying out and dropping its leaves I figured it needed to recover and grow for the rest of the season. Something else I’ve noticed is how dense the roots have become. The tree is not taking up water is readily as before. In the coming seasons I will need to repot yearly. 3F09E7F3-BBD6-46B6-87E1-3AACAAAFCAD9.jpeg
Try somewhat deeper pot? For your climate would be good idea in general.
Im actually in search of a good pot and may have one made by a friend of mine. You are right though, deeper pots are much easier for me here. The rate at which my trees transpire is nuts and a slightly deeper container helps them out so much. I prefer a slightly shallower look though, so I’ll need to strike a balance on this one. Fortunately it has proved tough as nails.
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