Clump Ficus Fair Price?


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Roswell, GA
Hi All,

I'm selling a clump ficus benjamina pre-bonsai that I've been working on for a while. I truly don't know what a fair price would be for this tree. If anyone has any input I would greatly appreciate it. It's currently on ebay for $250 (starting bid).




  • IMG_3126.jpg
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You should post a link to the ebay listing here in this thread, in case anyone is interested. Good luck!
I'd say another part of the problem is that you've only got it for local pickup only. That's understandable though, as I'm sure it would cost a lot to ship that thing. I only live 10-15 minutes from you, but I'm not too big a fan of benjamina ;)

In this part of the country though, where tropical stock is harder to come by, I'm sure you'll find someone.
I'd say another part of the problem is that you've only got it for local pickup only. That's understandable though, as I'm sure it would cost a lot to ship that thing. I only live 10-15 minutes from you, but I'm not too big a fan of benjamina ;)

In this part of the country though, where tropical stock is harder to come by, I'm sure you'll find someone.

Yeah, shipping would be out of this world, so I've opted for pickup only.

This particular benjamina has been good to me in terms of backbudding and branch placement. It just takes up too much space currently.
It looks like a super easy tree to ship. Nothing there to complicate matters. It appears as though an 18"x18"x24" box would suffice. if its shipping weight is 45 lbs then its probably about $51 via Fedex to most places.

So, I would not let shipping restrict your pool of potential purchasers.
It looks like a super easy tree to ship. Nothing there to complicate matters. It appears as though an 18"x18"x24" box would suffice. if its shipping weight is 45 lbs then its probably about $51 via Fedex to most places.

So, I would not let shipping restrict your pool of potential purchasers.

Thanks for the info -- I totally thought it would be crazy to ship a tree this large (although I know folks do it all the time). You're right, it would be an easy tree to ship aside from weight.
I gotta agree with considering possible shipping...
I have a packaging/mail box store near me, that
I just take what I need to ship, they box and package,
then ship either UPS or FedEx...

The extra charge for packaging is very minimal...
You just need to explain that the tree's soil should
be plastic wrapped, and the pot and trunk should
be secured to the bottom of the box...
Then they usually fill it in with the dreaded peanuts,
that have been known to blow around the yard if
not careful... but, they work...
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I might just ride this auction time out to see if it sells -- I already have someone who is pretty interested in the tree. If it doesn't sell this round then I'll heavily consider the shipping option. Thanks everyone!
Sold!! Thanks for all the input about shipping though -- good to know for future sales.
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