Sorry but you are the one again denying facts, when you can't accept a fact your ony answer is insults (to me and scientists). CO2 warming properties have been established long before science realized it could cause a problem to climate (wow what a conspiracy that could make "fake facts" even before the global warming became a problem lol). CO2 is a warming gas it's a fact, we have double its concentration in atmosphere compared to previous natural oscillations of it in the last hundred thousands of years it's a fact, the CO2 isotope signature of this excess CO2 clearly shows its not CO2 from natural processes but from human activities it's a fact. you can say no no no and insult me as long as you want you will not change this nor be more convincing than the countless science articles demonstrating it (and it's not theory, it's observations).
ANd you are the one being intellectually dishonest, you bring in the subject of exctintion, then blame me for answering about it and act as if i had sais it was all CO2 faults, i never said that, it is just one of the human influence on environment triggering these extinctions. your last message also show you intellectual dishonesty, Cypress talk about methane from permafrost, you answer with sea floor methane what is irrelevant, permafrost is not underwater and its methane released directly in atmosphere. You twist facts, ignore those you can't counter and insult when you can do nothing else, your argumentations is again typical of a science denier.
And you are the one making this a political argument, when i try to stick to scientific facts, you are the one making gross generalizations/stereotypes (really do you think al scientists are leaning left?, that's laughable). Contrary to what you think i'm not at all a fan of Al Gore, i consider his political interests made more damage than good about the global warming problem because like you his political biases made him twist real facts and what science really says, what produced a back lash effect (you are the very example of it). To be honest i don't know what the good policy should be, i just know that ignoring/denying reality will do no good in long term