Climate change

Without going back to check my sources, i'd bet you driving the old car produces less "pollution" overall than buying a new car. Especially if the new car was electric using the lithium ion batteries.

The sad news is (maybe) 70 per cent of all the carbon stored in trees is accumulated in the last half of their lives. So those of us with young trees aren't helping and those old folks and folks with $$$ are. Then again, how much carbon could a bonsai hold? And what is the damn carbon footprint of akadama......
Well. I'm over sixty and over the years I've left plenty of trees in places I've been. Many of them are fully mature now. I'm still planting. Last year were 32 palms, 2 pears, 5 elms, 2 montezuma cypress, and one oak. 2019 will be roughly the same numbers of trees. They will all be young but a lot of them will make it to the future. Except those I decided to turn into bonsai of course. I think those are doomed :)
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That's extremely insulting to those who have dedicated their lives to understanding the world around us, my girlfriend's one of those 'ideologues' she's not seeking power but she does find it deeply depressing that her and her colleagues work is spat on by sceptics with little to no understanding of the subject. Not to mention the politicising of it, as far as she's concerned it has nothing to do with any politics atall. It's fact. Your either on board with the facts or a blind faith troglodyte seeking to simply carry on as normal with your head in the sand.
Can you assure me that those you called "on board" aren't blind faith troglodytes?
For me I'm in neither of those camps. I suspect that's where most folks are.
Can you assure me that those you called "on board" aren't blind faith troglodytes?
For me I'm in neither of those camps. I suspect that's where most folks are.
Well that's better than being blind faith, but I tend to think that people who's entire focus in life is the understanding of our climate are probably a better bet than the big deniers with vested interests in continued use of fossil fuels. And it's simply insulting to say that there's some global conspiracy between all the scientists to what? Keep them on 30-40k a year salaries? Yeah right. There's alot more money in selling oil than studying climate. Most climate scientists I know are so excited when they find something that they don't understand or confuses things, but sadly every time this confusion is cleared up the situation doesn't look any better.
"papymandarin, post: 604618, member: 17034"]
again some graphs from who knows where from someone obviously not understanding how science work are not proving anything compared to the mountain of evidences of the scientific community

Everything you write is nonsense. The fact that co2 is limited in the amount of radiation it can absorb has been known for over one hundred years. Look it up!
It has been proven that the natural drivers of warming are not responsible of the observed warming

Garbage, It has NOT been proved at all. You are a gullible fool. Show me the proof - if you even understand what that means.
(the fact that co2 is only a fraction of atmosphere gases ect), how do you expain the shift in carbon isotope which is a direct proof that CO2 in excess is from human activities?

I don't need to explain it you nincompoop. That is an excepted fact that everyone knows. That is NOT the argument. The argument, to remind you yet again is whether that human emitted co2 is capable of warming the climate and to what extent if any.

And you are the hypocrite since YOU are the one who brought in the subject of mass exctinction in your former message

I brought that up to illustrate the fact that there are some people who believe we are headed for human extinction because of the consequences of co2 emissions. You however mentioned it to illustrate what the state of the plant's ecosystems are at the moment. That is a different subject. Current extinction has nothing to do with currant warming. Also, the biosphere is in constant flux contrary to what people like you believe (that everything needs to remain just as it is) and extinctions are constantly happening and always will. Current observations of elevated (claimed) extinction rates are due to habitat destruction and other pressures not co2 or warming. In fact co2 is a driver of faster plant growth which leads to faster fauna growth and development. As you should know, plants rule the earth not animals. Animals follow plants. To illustrate that, I can give you my own in practical experience (not theory that you love so much). Real observation. When I moved to where I am now it was a 7 acre horse paddock with nothing but grass and almost zero fauna. Since then I have planted about 1000 trees and other plant life. Yes I am an environmentalist! Now I have habitat that supports about 30 to 40 species of birds - permanently, native rodents and reptiles, and amphibians and countless insects. All of which were never seen here for about 90 years. The same thing is happening to the planet with increased co2.
(and 26000 is a number that can look small but first it is much more above the natural rythm of extinctions outside catastrophic events, second it doe snot mean that other species are doing well on the contrary most are declining rapidly but have just not reach the state of being considered in immediate exctinction danger, and given the destructions of habitat and various pollution, this is likely to only be the start)

Nothing to do with ''global warming''
and your last paragraph is just again had hominen attacks ,

Because people like you ( Gore and their kind) are influencing policy which is completely misguided and hugely expensive and you need to be exposed for the contemptible bullshit you spread. Because the beliefs you and others have about ''reducing carbon footprints'' are taking away trillions of dollars which could be so much better spent. Because people like you tend to think in ideological terms without truly seeking to understand what is happening in the real world. Because people like you have forced the closure of coal fired power plants and have now rendered electricity so expensive that some people here need to choose between heat and food.
We emit 36000000000000 kilogram (36,79 GtCO2) of CO2 each year (79366414386555 pounds), a blue whale is 140,000 kg, so we emit around 257142857 (250 million) blue whales each year of CO2 into the atmosphere, how would that not increase the greenhouse effect in our atmosphere? Try to imagine 250 million blue whales... (and then in vision this over a timescale of 1 or 2 decades.).

Also, because it's warmer now, methane is melting from permafrost, which is 20 times more potent than CO2 (you could google on "East Siberian Arctic Shelf").

co2 and methane are non issues. Methane is converted to co2 and water in the atmosphere within a few years. Methane from ocean floors does not even make it to the surface before being broken down by bacteria. You are worrying about nothing. You have been heavily influenced by the doomsday people. Earth has a self regulating climate that has been working well for a billion years. That is why life has been able to establish itself here.
Sorry but you are the one again denying facts, when you can't accept a fact your ony answer is insults (to me and scientists). CO2 warming properties have been established long before science realized it could cause a problem to climate (wow what a conspiracy that could make "fake facts" even before the global warming became a problem lol). CO2 is a warming gas it's a fact, we have double its concentration in atmosphere compared to previous natural oscillations of it in the last hundred thousands of years it's a fact, the CO2 isotope signature of this excess CO2 clearly shows its not CO2 from natural processes but from human activities it's a fact. you can say no no no and insult me as long as you want you will not change this nor be more convincing than the countless science articles demonstrating it (and it's not theory, it's observations).
ANd you are the one being intellectually dishonest, you bring in the subject of exctintion, then blame me for answering about it and act as if i had sais it was all CO2 faults, i never said that, it is just one of the human influence on environment triggering these extinctions. your last message also show you intellectual dishonesty, Cypress talk about methane from permafrost, you answer with sea floor methane what is irrelevant, permafrost is not underwater and its methane released directly in atmosphere. You twist facts, ignore those you can't counter and insult when you can do nothing else, your argumentations is again typical of a science denier.
And you are the one making this a political argument, when i try to stick to scientific facts, you are the one making gross generalizations/stereotypes (really do you think al scientists are leaning left?, that's laughable). Contrary to what you think i'm not at all a fan of Al Gore, i consider his political interests made more damage than good about the global warming problem because like you his political biases made him twist real facts and what science really says, what produced a back lash effect (you are the very example of it). To be honest i don't know what the good policy should be, i just know that ignoring/denying reality will do no good in long term

papymandarin, post: 604825, member: 17034"]

CO2 isotope signature of this excess CO2 clearly shows its not CO2 from natural processes but from human activities it's a fact. you can say no no no and insult me as long as you want you will not change this nor be more convincing than the countless science articles demonstrating it (and it's not theory, it's observations).

I can come to no other conclusion than you must be a moron. I have already said twice that I agree with that. I am NOT disputing that co2 has doubled since the industrial revolution and that humans have put it there. Get it now?

Cypress talk about methane from permafrost, you answer with sea floor methane what is irrelevant, permafrost is not underwater and its methane released directly in atmosphere. You twist facts, ignore those you can't counter and insult when you can do nothing else, your argumentations is again typical of a science denier.

The only thing twisted is your mind. The release of methane from permafrost scare is based on computer models which MAY happen IF the temp goes up another three degrees or whatever by 2100 which it will not because of the FACT about co2 I outlined above. And the FACT that methane is converted to co2 and water and does not sit there forever and the FACT that there is no good correlation between temperature rise and co2 increase evidenced by the 15 year pause in temp rise while co2 continued up. Only about half of scientists believe what you do now and that number is falling not rising despite what you may hear in the popular media.

And you are the one making this a political argument, when i try to stick to scientific facts

You would not know a scientific fact if you tripped over one.
you are the one making gross generalizations/stereotypes (really do you think al scientists are leaning left?, that's laughable).

Never said that either. But enough of them have left leaning tendencies to be able to have influenced media and politics, especially in Europe.
i just know that ignoring/denying reality will do no good in long term

I agree. So stop ignoring reality then.[/QUOTE]
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you continue on throwing insults, and trying to make a demonstration with flawed arguments (and demonstrated as such by science) when i already told you that i make my opinion reading science, not the insulting babbles of some guy on a forum.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree, because you start running into circles and losing your nerves, i've already heard your arguments countless times and whether you agree or not i know they are wrong (because i got my scientific knowledge from scientific sources and not medias contrary to what you say).
Had some climate change to start the week off...….family NOT going to Virginia Beach for Thanksgiving. Temperature spike, tell ya' that!!

Come Turkey Day? El Nino over the in-laws!!!!! Heavy flurries of Guinness followed by thick Marlboro Light smog.....I spare them my Jamaican Breezes;)

One man weather front.:p:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Parked the smog machine five or so years ago.....what the Rodney Dangerfield have YOU done.:confused::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

if it's what you call a climate expert and a scientific sourcing, that explains a lot lol
You keep confirming what a fool you are and what a feeble level of comprehension you possess. It was not presented as climate expertise and that fact that you could not even pick up on that speaks volumes about where your corrupted mind is at. JP is a great thinker, certainly better than you, and what he knows about the human condition and history tells him that nothing will ever be done about ''climate change'' whether it is true or not. Therefore, as I said previously, the trillions of dollars now spent on the non-problem are utterly wasted. Please stop commenting on my posts if you don't want to continue to ridicule yourself and everyone else who thinks like you. You are a reality denier.
I've watched with horror and sadness how fire are destroying the land and the people in California because of lasting drought. Places that were built decades ago are gone to ashes, Paradise lost.

No doubt that, after Pruitt had to resign, Wheeler will be the one to take better care of the environment...

Winners. :rolleyes:

I didnt realize the most ardent climate deniers would show up on a tree forum. The Bonsai community does not impress me at all.
This is your first post? So you made an account to make a stupid post regarding other stupid posts. That’s impressive, congratulations.
This is your first post? So you made an account to make a stupid post regarding other stupid posts. That’s impressive, congratulations.
I've had an account. This is just the first and greatest amount of stupidity that has drawn me out of the lerkers shadows.
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