I've had this Chinese elm for about a year. Sorry I don have a picture of it now but I did post pictures of it a while ago. Not knowing what to do with it I air layered off the top and shortened the stump which is about 1.5 inches (not including the root flare) over the summer. Since then the stump which still had branches on it has only been putting out these really long shoots. Tons of them some reaching almost 2 feet. I'm trying to let it grow out but all these shoots just weep like a weeping willow. Is this normal? I had to prune them back when I brought the tree inside this winter and now they are taking over my indoor grow room!
How do you let it grow out wild and crazy if everything just droops to the floor?
Thanks in advance!
How do you let it grow out wild and crazy if everything just droops to the floor?
Thanks in advance!