Chinese elm growth


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I've had this Chinese elm for about a year. Sorry I don have a picture of it now but I did post pictures of it a while ago. Not knowing what to do with it I air layered off the top and shortened the stump which is about 1.5 inches (not including the root flare) over the summer. Since then the stump which still had branches on it has only been putting out these really long shoots. Tons of them some reaching almost 2 feet. I'm trying to let it grow out but all these shoots just weep like a weeping willow. Is this normal? I had to prune them back when I brought the tree inside this winter and now they are taking over my indoor grow room!

How do you let it grow out wild and crazy if everything just droops to the floor?

Thanks in advance!
Pick primary branches that need to thicken, and eliminate the rest. Pick the new leader, stake it upright, and let it grow until it mostly closes chop, and provides a good tapering transition.
Thanks Brian! I will do so. I figured as much. Just wanted to make sure.
Pick primary branches that need to thicken, and eliminate the rest. Pick the new leader, stake it upright, and let it grow until it mostly closes chop, and provides a good tapering transition.

excellent advice. short & sweet.

Filling up the grow room with strong shoots sounds like a sign of a healthy plant. Choosing between vigorous shoots is a good problem to have.
Curious as to why you bring in the tree during winter? Mine spend their lives exclusively outdoors year round, and I am quite nearly in the same climate as you.
When I bought it I got it from a greenhouse and it had been inside for some time. My is to keep it outside but the air layer I took from it wasn't ready to come off till very late in the season and I was afraid that after I removed it and chopped the trunk it might not make it through the winter.
Next year it will stay outside and grow freely. Then I'll treat it as a deciduous tree instead of a tropical from there on out.
I've had this Chinese elm for about a year. Sorry I don have a picture of it now but I did post pictures of it a while ago. Not knowing what to do with it I air layered off the top and shortened the stump which is about 1.5 inches (not including the root flare) over the summer. Since then the stump which still had branches on it has only been putting out these really long shoots. Tons of them some reaching almost 2 feet. I'm trying to let it grow out but all these shoots just weep like a weeping willow. Is this normal? I had to prune them back when I brought the tree inside this winter and now they are taking over my indoor grow room!

How do you let it grow out wild and crazy if everything just droops to the floor?

Thanks in advance!
It's the typical Chinese elm growth habit. As others have said, select one you like, eliminate the others, and wire and let the new leader continue to grow and thicken. Assuming you don't want a broom, it's best to eliminate the extra shoots early on, before they produce a swelling and reverse taper at the chop.

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