Great news it's vigor! Um...don't change a thing in your growing .....where have you failed? Not here...Ok.
I like this idea from earlier...
The "Naka " "most compact" image.
But of rush right!
Can we see it with the shari dead center front...
With a lean so far forward the canopy is over the viewer...
"Leaning forward".?
So far?
The way that picture sits now...
Why that front? The base?
That "all left" thing it's doing is bothersome.
Those other pics where it is turned to see more shari are more interesting.
I don't know how to word this....
Seems like you're following a "front" rule close.
Where I would break that rule a little more to find better top movement.
In all honesty. You have proven yourself to be better than that virt. Don't settle.
I can see this as the Giant grandfather in a wicked forest where....
It doest matter what it looks like...
Or where foliage is...
Because it can be balance with other trees....
And Old old men....don't care what they look like! Just start ramifying it!