Celtis sinensis

repotted and pruned a few twigs and branches.

the roots below the dead part of the trunk are all around alive so its not rotten down all trough the soil.
for the future this is realy helpfull because the wood is realy soft and what you see now might be fully rotten away in two years... i already have the future plans die when that happens in my mind.

potted slightly deeper then it was.
inside the pot was bubble foil and then in there the akadama mixed with organic soil.....
the foil probably was for insulating against the cold in winter but i got rid of it... if it needs protection ill insulate from the outside...

here some pictures.


Been a while huh ..
Its still alive bonsai got a bit side tracked on my end but some photos of today
It needs some pruning and in future maybe hard cutback cus the wire scars dont seem to grow out much ...
Nice! Are you doing anything to preserve the deadwood area?
thnx, not realy ive treated it a couple times with lime sulpher and when creating the carving i drilled a hole so all the water cones out at the bottom and let nature do its thing.
the living caulus is all around healthy so i am thinking of carving away part of the wood to see if it will roll inwards to let it heal the hollow this dead wood going to leave behind in serval years...
i dont know how hardy this wood is for deadwood to be honest so for now i enjoy it and see how it develops it needs some attention but ive not been realy doing much with my trees except water and feed etc sometimes life demands other prioritys haha
little update.
tree is pruned and wired and ready for the next growing season now just have to wait a couple months !

i made a short progression video about this tree as i was really bored after work last night, i actually enjoyed doing that so maybe ill do something similar on more trees but we will see!
as for the tree ive tought about airlayering the top part of prune back hard the trunk for better movement and taper and also thinking about switching front to back but i am still leaning still more to the deadwood as feature in the front.
at the base the tree is alive all around and is healing up the deadwood from the bottom and from the top to the inside and outside of the deadwood so i will happily watch how that develops :)
i think i will leave it in this pot for another year (would be year 3) and then look for a bonsai pot for this tree, if anyone has suggestions on what to look for let me know !

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