Carved my buttonwood


Imperial Masterpiece
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Austin, TX (Zone 8b)
Today, a friend visited and after some discussion we trimmed my buttonwood. I think we ended removing 90% of the foliage. After he left...I reduced it further leaving about 3% foliage from original :D then proceeded to carve it using my die grinder. All the work was done with one bit and no other tool. It is very rough but I will clean it up later and add more details.

What do you think?

Old picture showing the original wood that I carved.


After 2 hours of carving...

Note that this branch was just one...I made it look like 2 :D



What do you think? Comments, good and bad....welcome. Suggestion for improvement encouraged.
I know about the carving not what you would find normally on buttonwood but I aim to please. My wife "encouraged" this design finding the one I did earlier (see lower part of total dead wood) not as exciting. ;)

You hit the design part square on the head on both counts...jin should have been higher but I had an "accident" :D ;) so it got lowered. The apex is also intended to be diverted to the right.
I think it's a pretty good looking carving. After it ages, you can go back in and hand tool it a bit to ease the tool marks some. I find that letting nature do some of the work gives it a natural feel.
I think it's a pretty good looking carving. After it ages, you can go back in and hand tool it a bit to ease the tool marks some. I find that letting nature do some of the work gives it a natural feel.
Thanks Judy.

We will clean it up a bit (probably within a week) to reduce the tool marks but do plan on letting Mother nature do her magic on it so no sealers or lime sulphur for at least a year. My wife volunteered to do it and it will be a fun project for us. She is more artistic than me anyway. ;)
Sounds like you're doing a good job of infecting your wife with the bug...

Do you have Will's book about Dan Robinson yet? There is a great deal of carving inspiration in the book and the photos of the trees in it. I look at it before I carve anything, just to get a feel of how to make it look like I never touched it. There is of course no comparison, but it does help to see how it's supposed to look...

If you are talking about this...
Gnarly Branches, Ancient Trees: The Life and Works of Dan Robinson - Bonsai Pioneer

I do not (yet), a bit pricey but if you say it is worth it, I will buy it.

By the way, she is in it with me from the beginning (in less active role) but have the eye and I consult her every now and then when I am not too sure (esp a major chop). The dangerous part is that she tend to "claim" ownership of my better trees. LOL.
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I would just let it grow for now and see what is there for you to work with next year.
Before the final branch reduction, I tried wiring some but they refuse to bend and the ones I forced broke so I decided to cut further. By clip and grow, I actually managed to get 4 levels of ramification on this before the drastic cut yesterday so it is a bummer but I know I can re-grow it in one season so better do it right this time.

Any BW tips you can share?
B-woods are very slow at growing roots, ...
That's odd and not my experience with this tree. It is very top heavy for the pot (dish pan) I used so I buried it in deeper using the clear plastic sleeves to stabilize it. Through it I can see that the entire sleeved soil is full of roots!!! :O I got this tree around February this year and it just exploded with leaves after sulking a bit. It is a shame I didn't take a pic of it with all the foliage before the carnage. I also pulled/yanked a small (newly grown) branch at the base with lots of roots, the 2 biggest are 1/8" and 3/16" in diameter...I planted it and hope it takes.
Yep that's the one. You will be happy you did...

Crazy new avatar :eek:
Thanks about the book.

Re: the avatar, I always wanted to have something like this (with Edward Scissorhands)but never got to it. My son visited me last night and I asked him if he can make me one describing what I envisioned and he emailed me this an hour or so ago. :D
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Time to fezz up. I never got to cleaning the carving on this :o

...but the good news is that it grew a new top already (yeah even while inside) and I'm pretty pleased where it is going. :)

I know useless w/o pics, but I am bored so I am dredging some old posts LOL. I promise to post some once I got to it.
Today is my 2nd year bonsai anniversary and decided to post a few updates for some of my trees in training. (hope you don't mind) :)


I purchased the book (from Elandan Gardens) this weekend...can't wait for it to get here.

Not that I will ever be daring enough to carve...or have the material to do so on. I am intrigued by it...put the link into a special file of possible books to later purchase.

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