Sorry to have missed your question. I manage these trees appropriate to the stage of development. When you’re developing branches, grow it in full sun and in coarse soil (1/4” - 3/8”) and let the shoots grow out long. I let them grow wild and very long as you see in the picures of the early development. Then wire, cut back where appropriate, and thin to two shoots all in one go. You can do this throughout the late spring and summer when the tree is in active growth. I would imagine you can repeat this a couple of times in your area. In refinement, I grow in finer soil (1/8” - 1/4”) and I don't let them grow out as much. The spikes will generally come out in threes and each spike will set a node with foliage at the tip. If I’m trying to extend the branch, I’ll let it extend a bit, then cut back and thin to two shoots. If it’s too coarse (if the internodes are too long) and I’m trying to keep the area compact, I’ll let it extend a bit, then cut back to the new leaves at the base of the spiky growth. It will generally send a new shoot later, but it will be more compact with more closely spaced internodes and you can then you can thin to two shoots.
Hope that helps.