The specimen bonsai Brussel’s imports from Japan are expensive, because the whole process takes a long time, there’s losses during quarantine, and he has to pay for them up front to the Japanese sellers, but he can’t sell them for TWO YEARS! while they are in quarantine. (I think you can reserve one, and pay half while it’s still in quarantine, but it can’t leave the quarantine facility.). The trees are shipped bare root, per DOA regulations. Many don’t survive. The survivors have to be priced to cover not only their cost, but also to recover the cost of the deceased trees. Not to mention the cost of the quarantine facility, shipping, soil and water, labor, the cost of tying up funds for two years... and I haven’t even mentioned profit!
Heck, we all ought to be thankful he does it!
Yep, his Brussel's quarantine outfit is impressive. He told me that he had an entire shipment of black pines BURNED once because an inspector found some sort of non indigenous snail hanging out in the roots. Ouch.