Brazilian Rain Tree yellow leaf


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South Central PA
I purchased a BRT on Friday last week. It is in the house and I noticed a few yellow leaves on the tree. The tree is in a window facing the south and gets about 6 hours of indirect light. Water when needed but I did notice it was a little dry last night.

What could this be?
I just have not gotten it out yet. The noghts are getting colder around 52 this morning so I thought to bring it in..

Iwill get it some more light and water.
just remember they do like it on the dry side so not alot of water if it really needs water the leaves will be a little droopy
I have a BRT that tends to shed it's older leaves now and then, they usually turn a bit yellow before they drop. What soil is it in?
It is in a Standad Bonsai mix the grower gave me. Not sur ethe exact mix though.
I let it dry out prior to watering.
There is only 3 sets of leaves that are yellow. the remaining are doiung fine
I've had my BRT since I started, and made plenty of rookie mistakes, and it has forgiven me every time. I wonder if you might want to give it some bottom heat to give the roots a bit of growing stimulus. I hope someone else can chime in on this as an idea, when a tree is repotted and is stressed out, sometimes bottom heat can be helpful. I use nursery heat mats. It does dry the tree out faster so you'll have to keep a close eye on it. Having said that, I don't think 3 yellow leaves constitute a crisis, I wouldn't worry until it shows you more symptoms than a few yellowing leaves. Maybe you should post a photo.
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