Brazilian Rain Tree droopy leaves


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Madison, Wisconsin (United States)
Hello, Everyone

My Brazilian Rain Tree is doing so much better than before and is branching out new leaves. I started noticing, however, that the leaves have started to become droopier as the days pass. I believe that it's because I close the blinds completely shut before I go to sleep, and previously, I let them a little open so It could still get sunlight while I am sleeping. I also don't know if it is because the amount of sunlight is getting throughout the day is getting shorter. I do want to buy a supplemental light source, but I'm not sure which one I should get based on the dimensions of my room. I also wanted to ask if I should be doing any wiring and if there is any helpful hints out there that can help me. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you all and have a good day.

Also, I apologize for the weird sized images.

BRT top side.jpgBRT side view.jpgBRT second side view.jpgRoom size.jpg
Do you work the night shift? Why is it getting sunlight while you are sleeping?
Do you work the night shift? Why is it getting sunlight while you are sleeping?
I don't work a night shift, and it doesn't' necessarily get light at night. It just happens to be that the sun rises quite early in the morning, so I do want it to get sun as soon as it can while I am sleeping.
The leaves fold at night too, that much is normal...
The 3rd pic looks pretty good
The leaves fold at night too, that much is normal...
The 3rd pic looks pretty good
It's hard to see in the pictures, but there is a small branch that doesn't have the leaves rising (they are droopy), and I think it's because of a bigger bundle of leaves that block the light. What should I do? leave it alone, or prune it?
Think you're being too picky. Looks healthy to me. Give it as much light as possible and don't overwater.
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