Bonsai Tonight

I can highly recommend him and his products from personal experience. One of my favorite products from his selection are the jack's designed for assisting with difficult bends. I have used both the large and medium size many times, very successfully. The handle design allows for finger tip control and sensing the tension as the bend progresses. Great value. Well Made. His posts are very informative and he has a knack for stating things clearly.
Most know my go to guy for material is Scott Lee... (Off of Facebook) With contacting him for material for my trident neagari project. He put me in contact with Jonas. Sent Jonas an email and he is like a book...and I soaked up the information he gave me. He's done long term neagari projects...and was able to walk me through the steps of accomplishing a similar look of a tree I admired. Telling me a dainty tree is less years...but from what I am seemed I wanted more than a dainty neagari specimen. Thus confirming...long term.

Purchased the pumice size he recommended...he then sent me another box of pumice in the extra larger I could experiment and do at least two compare the process of what sized pumice creates for roots. What a great man...I think he could read my thirst for the project. Then he had me create a thread in his ones could learn from my experiment or offer any last minute tweaks. Will be posting there the photos of putting it together. So he can follow my progress. What a great man...full of experience and knowledge of neagari...and long term projects and the results of what patience can bring.
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