Bonsai sketches.....?


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Cartersville Ga
I have zero talent when it comes to freehand sketching anything....I really like some of the bonsai sketches I have seen and would like to purchase some to frame....Problem is I never see them for sale....? I do not care about the artist, so I'm not looking for something from a master. It would be cool to have some of ideas of what I might do with some of my collected material. Does anybody offer sketches for hire....? and could they be done from just photos or would looking first hand at the material be a must....?


[1] You can make your own sketches if you just take an image of a favourite tree, and put it on your computer screen. Then get some quality tracing paper and just trace what you want.
You can then print or use a carbon paper to transfer the image to good quality Stonehenge paper [ about $1.50 US ] for a large sheet of acid free, archival cotton paper.Frame

[2] Hpw much information do you want in these images, to be framed?
Show a visual example if possible.
Good Day
Hi. A while back there was a dude who wanted to swap drawings for stock , tools etc. Don't know in what thread though.
I have traded a few e-mails with Adam already about my collected Yaupon Holly..... Ill send him another.

You can also google john naka's sketch book. Many sketches to choose from.
Suggestions are all over the map because we do not know your intent and making assumptions.
1. Are you looking for any bonsai sketch?
2. Are you expecting one modeled on one of your trees?
3. Are you expecting someone to create a vision or design goal for one of your pre-bonsai?

If you can give us more info based on these questions (or similar info), we can narrow it down. :)
Anthony...I should give sketching a try or maybe get my son to give it a shot...He's a better artist than I am....I'm hell with cad 2d or 3d but not much good freehand. I have traced many odd shapes into cad by the method you described.

Bob...I sent a PM but should have read the other thread before sending it....I just checked out the pic from my iphone at work and didn't read the text. You answered most of the questions I asked already.

Jeremy...Thank you for the link, I'm going to check it out.

Dario....The answer to all 3 questions is...YES. But I think you have read enough of my post to know I'm a cheapskate. I have no idea what kind of value sketching carries, just that I really like them. I'm not sure I have any trees that are even worthy of having a vision or design goal sketch made.

Well when you were are no longer a cheapskate,
PM, I could do them for you...
My suggestion was the cheap stake method:confused:

I personally think your idea is great idea, I have cut up calendars
And framed up pics before... my post was referring to wee's post
No. 10 where he refers to himself as a cheapskate...

you can also look at the work of Carl Rosner, and his Bonsai paintings.

If you look into the poster/print companies, in 1985 or so, there were these
stunning and affordable Bonsai prints, just line drawings in a type of deep
orange red.
You will know them if you find them, well worth framing.
Good Day

[1] You can make your own sketches if you just take an image of a favourite tree, and put it on your computer screen. Then get some quality tracing paper and just trace what you want.
You can then print or use a carbon paper to transfer the image to good quality Stonehenge paper [ about $1.50 US ] for a large sheet of acid free, archival cotton paper.Frame

[2] Hpw much information do you want in these images, to be framed?
Show a visual example if possible.
Good Day

I like this (printing the pic before tracing is also an option). Works well if your tree is near design completion OR if the you can visualize design, change it as you go.

I am lucky enough to be able to do free hand but still lacking conceptual design. :( Hope it comes in the next several years.

Good luck!
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