Bonsai Phone Apps


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Mirai has a phone app for tracking progress, scheduling seasonal work, etc. Bonsai Empire also has an app. There are also a few lesser-known apps for bonsai on the App Store. What are your experiences with these apps? What’s good about them? What’s not? Do you find them helpful?
I have both the Bonsai Empire app and the Mirai app.
The Mirai app is more in depth with the advanced calendar and the teaching courses.
However it also offers all of the basic functions that the Bonsai Empire app has.
Once my Bonsai Empire app expires the Mirai app will suffice for me.
It comes with the Mirai subscription so I just use it for the general timing of procedures.

Otherwise I don't think I'd need an app at all.
Yea I track my trees in an excel spreadsheet
This year, I used my phone to take pictures of all the trees I repotted and will use those to update the spreadsheet when I have the chance, probably winter when the trees are asleep and help decide what needs repotting next year.
I do bonsai to GET AWAY from my phone and devices.
I get that. Mostly I was thinking of the apps as a less labor intensive alternative to creating a progression thread for each tree here and also as a way of checking what other work I could do on my trees on those days when I’m drawing a blank when I ask myself, “What else could I work on right now that’s appropriate to the season?” For those with lots of trees in refinement, running out of bonsai work to do probably seems like an impossibility, but when most of your trees are still early in development, there are days when you run out of stuff to do (or, at least, it seems that way if you don’t recall what else you could be doing).
I have both the Bonsai Empire app and the Mirai app.
The Mirai app is more in depth with the advanced calendar and the teaching courses.
However it also offers all of the basic functions that the Bonsai Empire app has.
Once my Bonsai Empire app expires the Mirai app will suffice for me.
It comes with the Mirai subscription so I just use it for the general timing of procedures.

Otherwise I don't think I'd need an app at all.
Do you have to be a Mirai subscriber to use the app?
I do bonsai to GET AWAY from my phone and devices.
I have both apps but haven't really used them. It feels awkward incorporating the phone into it. Also, I'm probably being a little lazy...Don't want to take the time to learn a new thing, lol.
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