Bonsai Nut's personal pine entry thread

Might heat up fast. Mind temp swing... Lot of condens and possible mold.
man that is fancy. Love it. If i didnt spend all my money on my kids and wife, i would have one of these.

It was a gift from my wife :) She even agreed to allow me to put it on the hardscape for the black pine contest... after which I have to more it out of sight somewhere :)
very nice present. yup i would figure your a bachelor if your able to leave something like that on the hardscape.
Quite a difference between germination by vendor. This is a great apples-to-apples comparison, since all seeds were treated exactly the same way. Approx. 600-800 seeds per tray. Have not (yet) tracked germination rate.

Do you have a table to connect the numbers with vendors?
I'm sorry if I'm missing it.
If I have it sorted out, is #4 "seeds-on-sale"?
I can't seem to figure out where they are.
Is this an eBay or Amazon seller?

I bought my JBP from Schumacher, but yield rates are less than thrilling so looking for alternatives.

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